Is there some reason that I cannot specify both a password and enable when using clogin?<br>My idea is to use a web page to pass the username, password, and enable to clogin and collect the data from the commands, primarily to automate getting show tech and show log info.
<br>Everything works if I remove either the enable or the password option. Is this the expected behavior?<br><br>[adudek16@redbaron ~]$ clogin -u test -e twctest -p testing -x rantest <a href="">
</a> <br><a href=""></a><br>can't read "passwd": no such variable<br> while executing<br>"login $router $ruser $userpswd $passwd $enapasswd $cmethod $cyphertype"
<br> ("foreach" body line 111)<br> invoked from within<br>"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {<br> set router [string tolower $router]<br> send_user "$router\n"<br><br> # Figure out prompt.
<br> # Since autoena..."<br> (file "/usr/sbin/clogin" line 616)<br>[adudek16@redbaron ~]$ <br>[adudek16@redbaron ~]$ clogin -u adudek16 -e twctest -x rantest <a href=""></a>
<br><a href=""></a><br>spawn telnet <a href=""></a><br>Trying<br>Connected to <a href=""></a>.<br>Escape character is '^]'.
<br><br><br>User Access Verification<br><br>Username: Kerberos: No default realm defined for Kerberos!<br>adudek<br>Password: <br>twc-test>enable<br>Password: <br>twc-test#<br>[-snip-]<br>