Hello all,<br><br>I'm new with rancid, so please forgive any naivety!<br><br>I'm trying to setup rancid to access a F5 3600 LTM running 10.2. The account that rancid uses is a limited account, it's Role is "guest" and it's terminal access is set to "bigpipe shell". It's basically a read-only account that can only list the config. The prompt that this user gets is "bp>". Currently the only command I need to run is "b list". <br>
<br>Does rancid version 2.3.4 support this out of the box? Or do I need to edit something outside of .cloginrc and router.db?<br><br>Would I be better off abandoning this approach and just allow the user full shell access, i.e. root with a "user@hostname ~ #" prompt?<br>
<br>FWIW, I do have rancid working fine with other Cisco and Juniper devices.<br>