Hi List,<br><br>I am trying to configure scheduled backups of my Cisco ASAs and WLCs.<br>I am currently trying to use clogin. Login is successful, but it never enters enable/configure mode - and therefore is not able to run the desired commands/retrieve all the necessary information (it tries to though !).<br>
Can't paste my .clogin, as I'm at home currently. But everything (password/enable_password) is ok there ! (I am running this already on my HP Switches)<br><br>just after login and before it should enter enable/configure mode, it tries to execute the command (from within clogin - not something I told it to...):<br>
<span class="st">"<em>terminal</em> length <em>0</em>"<br>but the right command for this on a ASA/WLC's is:<br></span>"no pager" or "terminal pager 0"<br><br>1. Is there a better Xlogin that I should use ?<br>
2. If clogin is the best script, where in the clogin can I fix this ?<br>3. Furthermore clogin doesn't logout of my WLC's when it finishes - I guess I could just add a "; exit" or "; logout" at the end of my command, but where can I fix this as-well ?<br>
<br><br>Thanks in advance :) !<br>~maymann<br>