Hello,<br>I'm trying to understand how rancid parses the output of various commands, to adapt it for BlueCoat; the console is similar with Cisco's and clogin works for it, can't figure out exactly what /usr/libexec/rancid/rancid does though. I've replaced the executed commands with these three: show configuration noprompts, show version and show advanced-url /Diagnostics/Hardware/Info/<br>
The output is something like<br><br>su - rancid -c 'clogin labhost'<br>labhost<br>spawn ssh -c 3des -x -l root labhost<br>root@labhost's password: <br><br>Lab_Host>enable<br>Enable Password:<br>Lab_Host#<br>
^^ so far so good<br><br>Lab_Host#show version<br>show version<br>Version: SGOS Proxy Edition<br>Release id: 81874<br>UI Version: Build: 81874<br>Serial number: 1234567890<br>NIC 0 MAC: 00AABBCCDDEE<br>Lab_Host#show advanced-url /Diagnostics/Hardware/Info/<br>
show advanced-url /Diagnostics/Hardware/Info/<br>Hardware Information<br><br>Model: 510-A<br>RAM: 1024 MB<br> DIMM 1: empty<br> DIMM 2: 1024 MB SDRAM DDR<br>Number of CPUs: 1<br>CPU frequency: 2000 MHz<br>Bus speed: 100 MHz<br>
Storage: 1 drive<br> Disk in slot 1: 80 GB (SEAGATE ST3808110AS, rev:3.AAH, serial:ABCD123)<br> Disk in slot 2: empty<br>Network: <br> Interface 0:0: Intel Gigabit running at 1 Gbps full duplex (MAC 00:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE)<br>
Interface 1:0: Intel Gigabit running at 1 Gbps full duplex (MAC 00:AA:BB:CC:EE:DD)<br>Accelerators: none<br>Lab_Host#<br><br>I'll skip the sh conf no as it's very long, output looks very much like a cisco sh runn though so I was hoping just editing @commandtable and using the cisco functions would collect the output. After adding it in %vendortable in rancid-fe and doing a su - rancid -c 'rancid-run -m myaddress -r labhost' it seems to do the trick, I'm sure it can be improved though so suggestions welcome. The bcrancid file is attached.<br>