<div dir="ltr"><div><div>I've discovered an incompatibility between do_auth and TCL scripts and recommend that anybody authorizing on commands used in their TCL scripts NOT use do_auth without prior testing. And by "fixed," I really mean the usual: Find a work around for Cisco's lack of consistency in their Tacacs implementation.<br>
<br></div>Short Technical:<br>TCL commands auth with an ip of 'async', NO username, NO device name and that really confuses the #*@& out of getopt(). Maybe I'll have to finally get around to cobbling my own argv parser. (Volunteers welcome)<br>
<br></div>Suggested workaround: <br>Assign command to priv-lvl 1 & don't auth on priv-lvl 1. Ex:<br>privilege exec level 1 show your_command<br></div>
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