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A.  Hardware Overview PROM on SPARC Machines Open Boot PROM 3 Walking the PROMs Device Tree  Previous   Contents   Next 

Rather than using the full node name in the previous example, you could have used an abbreviation. The abbreviated command-line entry looks like this:

ok cd sbus

The name is actually device@slot,offset (for SBus devices). The cgsix device is in slot 2 and starts at offset 0. If an SBus device is displayed in this tree, the device has been recognized by the PROM.

The .properties command displays the PROM properties of a device. These can be examined to determine which properties the device exports. (This is useful later to ensure that the driver is looking for the correct hardware properties.) These are the same properties that can be retrieved with ddi_getprop(9F).

ok cd cgsix
ok .properties
character-set            ISO8859-1
intr                     00000005 00000000
interrupts               00000005
reg                      00000002 00000000 01000000
dblbuf                   00 00 00 00
vmsize                   00 00 00 01

The reg property defines an array of register description structures containing the following fields:

uint_t        bustype;       /* cookie for related bus type*/
uint_t        addr;          /* address of reg relative to bus */
uint_t        size;          /* size of this register set */

For the cgsix example, the address is 0.

Mapping the Device

To test the device, it must be mapped into memory. The PROM can then be used to verify proper operation of the device by using data-transfer commands to transfer bytes, words, and long words. If the device can be operated from the PROM, even in a limited way, the driver should also be able to operate the device.

To set up the device for initial testing, perform the following steps:

  1. Determine the SBus slot number the device is in.

    In this example, the cgsix device is located in slot 2.

  2. Determine the offset within the physical address space used by the device.

    The offset used is specific to the device. In the cgsix example, the video memory happens to start at an offset of 0x800000.

  3. Use the select-dev word to select the Sbus device and the map-in word to map the device in.

    The select-dev word takes a string of the device path as its argument. The map-in word takes an offset, a slot number, and a size as arguments to map. Like the offset, the size of the byte transfer is specific to the device. In the cgsix example, the size is set to 0x100000 bytes.

    In the following code example, the sbus path is displayed as an argument to the select-dev word, and the offset, slot number, and size values for the frame buffer are displayed as arguments to the map-in word. Notice that there should be a space between the opening quote and / in the select-dev argument. The virtual address to use remains on top of the stack. The stack is shown using the .s word. It can be assigned a name with the constant operation.

    ok "/sbus@1f,0" select-dev
    ok 800000 2 100000 map-in
    ok .s
    ok constant fb

Reading and Writing

The PROM provides a variety of 8-bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit operations. In general, a c (character) prefix indicates an 8-bit (one byte) operation; a w (word) prefix indicates a 16-bit (two byte) operation; and an L (longword) prefix indicates a 32-bit (four byte) operation.

A suffix of ! indicates a write operation. The write operation takes the first two items off the stack; the first item is the address, and the second item is the value.

ok 55 ffe98000 c!

A suffix of @ indicates a read operation. The read operation takes one argument (the address) off the stack.

ok ffe98000 c@
ok .s

A suffix of ? is used to display the value, without affecting the stack.

ok ffe98000 c?

Be careful when trying to query the device. If the mappings are not set up correctly, trying to read or write could cause errors. Special words are provided to handle these cases. cprobe, wprobe, and lprobe, for example, read from the given address but return zero if the location does not respond, or nonzero if it does.

ok fffa4000 c@
Data Access Error

ok fffa4000 cprobe
ok .s0

ok ffe98000 cprobe
ok .s
0 ffffffffffffffff

A region of memory can be shown with the dump word. This takes an address and a length, and displays the contents of the memory region in bytes.

In the following example, the fill word is used to fill video memory with a pattern. fill takes the address, the number of bytes to fill, and the byte to use (there is also a wfill and an Lfill for words and longwords). This causes the cgsix to display simple patterns based on the byte passed.

ok " /sbus" select-dev
ok 800000 2 100000 map-in
ok constant fb
ok fb 10000 ff fill
ok fb 20000 0 fill
ok fb 18000 55 fill
ok fb 15000 3 fill
ok fb 10000 5 fillok fb 5000 f9 fill
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