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18.  Debugging Post-Mortem Debugging Important mdb Commands Navigating the Device Tree with mdb  Previous   Contents   Next 

Retrieving Driver Soft State Information

A common problem when debugging a driver is retrieving the soft state for a particular driver instance. The soft state is allocated with the ddi_soft_state_zalloc(9F) routine and obtained by drivers using ddi_get_soft_state(9F). If you know the name of the soft state pointer (the first argument to ddi_soft_state_init(9F)), mdb enables you to retrieve the soft state for a particular driver instance using the ::softstate dcmd:

> *bst_state::softstate 0x3

In this case, ::softstate is used to fetch the soft state for instance 3 of the bst sample driver. This pointer points to a bst_soft structure used by the driver to track state for this instance.

Detecting Kernel Memory Leaks

The ::findleaks dcmd provides powerful and efficient detection of memory leaks in kernel crash dumps. The full set of kernel-memory debugging features should be enabled for ::findleaks to be effective. For more information see "kmem_flags". Running ::findleaks during driver development and testing can detect code which is leaking memory and wasting kernel resources. See "Debugging With the Kernel Memory Allocator" in the Solaris Modular Debugger Guide for a complete discussion of ::findleaks.

Note - Use ::findleaks to detect and eliminate kernel memory leaks caused by your code. Code that leaks kernel memory can render the system vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks.

Writing Debugger Commands with mdb

mdb provides a powerful API for implementing new debugger facilities that you can use to debug your driver. The Solaris Modular Debugger Guide explains the programming API in more detail, and the SUNWmdbdm package installs sample mdb source code in the directory /usr/demo/mdb. You can use mdb to automate lengthy debugging chores or help to validate that your driver is behaving properly. You can also package your mdb debugging modules with your driver product so that these facilities will be available to service personnel at a customer site.

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