Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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backslash () as XFN component escape character
, index term link
Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
base attribute interface
, index term link, index term link, index term link
abstract data types
, index term link
attribute-modification operations
, index term link
, index term link
memory management policies
, index term link
multiple-attribute operations
, index term link, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link
attribute modification lists
, index term link
attribute sets
, index term link
attributes and attribute values
, index term link
composite names
, index term link
, index term link
references and addresses
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
parsing compound names
, index term link
syntax attributes
, index term link, index term link
XFN standard syntax model
, index term link, index term link
relationship to naming operations
, index term link, index term link
single-attribute operations
, index term link, index term link
status objects
, index term link
supporting interfaces
, index term link, index term link, index term link
, index term link
XFN attribute model
, index term link, index term link
base context interface
, index term link
abstract data types
, index term link
context handles
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
lookup and list contexts
, index term link, index term link
managing contexts
, index term link, index term link
memory management policies
, index term link
names in context operations
, index term link
other context operations
, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link
attribute modification lists
, index term link
attribute sets
, index term link
attributes and attribute values
, index term link
composite names
, index term link
, index term link
references and addresses
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
parsing compound names
, index term link
syntax attributes
, index term link, index term link
XFN standard syntax model
, index term link, index term link
requirements for operations
, index term link, index term link
status objects
, index term link
supporting interfaces
, index term link, index term link
updating bindings
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
begin-quote (") in XFN standard syntax model
, index term link
bind/lookup model
, index term link
, index term link
initial context bindings for enterprise naming
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
listing names and bindings in contexts
, index term link
terminal atomic name
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
BNF (Backus-Naur Form)
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
boundaries (naming system) and component separators
, index term link, index term link
strong separation
, index term link
weak separation
, index term link, index term link
namespace browser programming example
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
sample output
, index term link


client programming interfaces
, index term link
abstract data types
, index term link
base attribute interface
, index term link, index term link, index term link
attribute-modification operations
, index term link
multiple-attribute operations
, index term link, index term link, index term link
relationship to naming operations
, index term link, index term link
single-attribute operations
, index term link, index term link
status objects
, index term link
XFN attribute model
, index term link, index term link
base context interface
, index term link, index term link
context handles
, index term link, index term link
lookup and list contexts
, index term link, index term link
managing contexts
, index term link, index term link
names in context operations
, index term link
other context operations
, index term link, index term link
requirements for operations
, index term link, index term link
status objects
, index term link
updating bindings
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
memory management policies
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link
attribute modification lists
, index term link
attribute sets
, index term link
attributes and attribute values
, index term link
composite names
, index term link
, index term link
references and addresses
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
parsing compound names
, index term link
syntax attributes
, index term link, index term link
XFN standard syntax model
, index term link, index term link
status codes
, index term link, index term link
status objects
, index term link
base attribute interface
, index term link
base context interface
, index term link
supporting interfaces
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
attribute-modification operation
, index term link
link status
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
fnbrowse program
, index term link
XFN interface function names
, index term link
component separator (/)
naming system boundaries and
, index term link, index term link
strong separation
, index term link
weak separation
, index term link, index term link
XFN composite name syntax
, index term link, index term link
XFN standard syntax model
, index term link
composing XFN composite name strings
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
composite names
applications' use of FNS
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
host naming systems
, index term link
organization naming systems
, index term link
parsing XFN composite names
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link
coexistence of explicit and implicit NNSPs
, index term link
explicit NNSPs
, index term link, index term link
implicit NNSPs
, index term link, index term link
XFN links
, index term link
site naming systems
, index term link
user naming systems
, index term link
XFN composite names
, index term link
naming system boundaries and component separators
, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
XFN context implementation
, index term link
XFN interface parameters
, index term link
XFN syntax
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
Backus-Naur Form (BNF)
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
composing the composite name string
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
decomposing the composite name string
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
, index term link, index term link, index term link, index term link
string and structural forms
, index term link, index term link
compound names
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
hierarchical naming system examples
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
syntax attributes
, index term link, index term link
XFN standard syntax model
, index term link, index term link
const parameters
, index term link
const pointers
, index term link
constants, XFN interface conventions
, index term link
context operations
, index term link
construct context handle from reference
, index term link, index term link
construct handle to initial context
, index term link
context handles
, index term link, index term link
create subcontext
, index term link, index term link
destroy context handle
, index term link
destroy subcontext
, index term link
get reference to context
, index term link
get syntax attributes of context
, index term link
list bindings
, index term link
list names
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
lookup link
, index term link, index term link
managing contexts
, index term link, index term link
names in
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
status objects
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
updating bindings
, index term link, index term link
context shared object modules
, index term link
base context interface
, index term link
context handles
, index term link, index term link
lookup and list contexts
, index term link, index term link
managing contexts
, index term link, index term link
names in context operations
, index term link
other context operations
, index term link, index term link
requirements for operations
, index term link, index term link
status objects
, index term link
supporting interfaces
, index term link, index term link
updating bindings
, index term link, index term link
creating subcontexts
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link
, index term link, index term link
, index term link
syntax attributes
, index term link
initial context
bindings for enterprise naming
, index term link
, index term link
managing and examining
, index term link, index term link
syntax-related attributes
, index term link
tree structure
, index term link, index term link
XFN contexts
, index term link
curly braces in BNF notation
, index term link, index term link
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