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4.  Programmer's Interface to RPC Connection-Oriented Transports   Previous   Contents   Next 

Memory Allocation With XDR

XDR routines normally serialize and deserialize data. XDR routines often automatically allocate memory and free automatically allocated memory. The convention is to use a NULL pointer to an array or structure to indicate that an XDR function must allocate memory when deserializing. The next example, xdr_chararr1(), processes a fixed array of bytes with length SIZE and cannot allocate memory if needed:

xdr_chararr1(xdrsp, chararr)
   XDR *xdrsp;
   char chararr[];
   char *p;
   int len;

   p = chararr;
   len = SIZE;
   return (xdr_bytes(xdrsp, &p, &len, SIZE));

If space has already been allocated in chararr, it can be called from a server as follows.

char chararr[SIZE];
svc_getargs(transp, xdr_chararr1, chararr);

Any structure through which data is passed to XDR or RPC routines must be allocated so that its base address is at an architecture-dependent boundary. An XDR routine that does the allocation must be written so that it can:

  • Allocate memory when a caller requests

  • Return the pointer to any memory it allocates

In the following example, the second argument is a NULL pointer, meaning that memory should be allocated to hold the data being deserialized.

xdr_chararr2(xdrsp, chararrp)
   XDR *xdrsp;
   char **chararrp;

   int len;

   len = SIZE;
   return (xdr_bytes(xdrsp, charrarrp, &len, SIZE));

The corresponding RPC call is:

char *arrptr;
arrptr = NULL;
svc_getargs(transp, xdr_chararr2, &arrptr);
 * Use the result here
svc_freeargs(transp, xdr_chararr2, &arrptr);

After use, free the character array through svc_freeargs(). svc_freeargs() does nothing if passed a NULL pointer as its second argument.

To summarize:

  • An XDR routine normally serializes, deserializes, and frees memory.

  • svc_getargs() calls the XDR routine to deserialize.

  • svc_freeargs() calls the XDR routine to free memory.

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