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Appendix C

The ToolTalk Standard Message Sets

Standard message sets help developers to develop applications that will automatically integrate with applications developed by others that follow the same message protocols. Extensive work has been done with leading software suppliers and end-users to define standard message sets. The ToolTalk Standard Message Sets are higher-level interfaces of the ToolTalk API that provide common definitions and conventions to easily achieve control and data integration between applications.

See the ToolTalk Reference Guide for a complete description of the standard ToolTalk message sets.

The ToolTalk Desktop Services Message Set

In order to achieve basic desktop integration, applications need to support a basic set of messages to enable inter-application control. The ToolTalk Desktop Services Message Set is the common message set that provides this functionality for all applications. A powerful messaging protocol that benefits both developers and users of desktop applications, the ToolTalk Desktop Services Message Set allows applications to easily interact with other desktop applications. Using the ToolTalk Desktop Services Message Set, applications can communicate with each other in a transparent manner, both locally and over networks.

Why the ToolTalk Desktop Services Message Set was Developed

In order to provide integrated control of applications, certain basic features are needed to launch, halt, control display appearance, and pass information regarding input and output data. All applications need to have these facilities so that other applications in the toolset can inter-change basic control information. This kind of functionality enables the development of smart desktops and integrated smart toolsets. Groups of applications can now call upon each other to perform tasks and to interact as one solution environment for the end-user.

Key Benefits of the ToolTalk Desktop Services Message Set

The ToolTalk Desktop Services Message Set offers developers two key benefits:

  1. Allows basic control of applications without direct intervention from the user. Routine or common procedures may be automated for the convenience of the user.

  2. Allows tool specialization through a common set of interactions. All ToolTalk aware applications can perform these functions.

The ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set

Multimedia is an important emerging technology. While the base of multimedia-aware applications has expanded, no single vendor provides a completely integrated solution which meets the complex needs of today's market. The ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange™ Message Set is a genuine breakthrough in multimedia technologies. A powerful messaging protocol designed to benefit both developers and users of multimedia technologies, the ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set allows applications to easily share each others multimedia functionality. Using the ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set, multimedia applications can communicate with each other in a transparent manner, both locally and over networks, regardless of data formats, compression technology, and other technical issues which has previously confined the use of this technology.

ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set Development History

While a few vendors have established inter-operability alliances, the range of possible end-user solutions as been restricted. The ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set allows any application to share a set of multimedia functions with any other application in a transparent manner.

This document contains specifications that have been developed by an alliance of designers from key independent multimedia hardware and software vendors, and Sun Microsystems®. Applications that use these simple protocols can quickly and easily create a ToolTalk interface to an array of multimedia services without concern for a particular service provider. Entire groups of applications can now plug-and-play together, integrating sound, video, graphics, telephony, and other media sources into new and exciting applications. The term plug-and-play means that any tool can be replaced by any other tool that follows the same protocol. That is, any tool that follows a given ToolTalk protocol can be placed (plugged) into your computing environment and perform (play) those functions indicated by the protocol. Tools can be mixed and matched, without modification and without having any specific built-in knowledge of each other. For example, you could create a word processing application that integrates a piece of video into a composition and have the video played by another application.

The ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set is an efficient set of generic message definitions that provide media control and data exchange. The protocol consists of editor messages for media players, editors, and users.

Key Benefits of the ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set

The ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set offers developers two key benefits:

  1. Ease of multimedia integration to new and existing software.

    Adding multimedia functionality to any application is now vastly simplified. The ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set allows you to use other developers' multimedia technologies, thus reducing your development time and expenses while increasing your system functionality.

  2. Creates a framework that extends the range of end-user solutions.

    By facilitating application inter-operability, the ToolTalk Document and Media Exchange Message Set allows end-users and other developers to create new vertical solutions. These solutions, in turn, create new opportunities for your products by opening markets that were previously beyond their scope.

General ToolTalk Message Definitions and Conventions

In the ToolTalk messages there are terms used with specific ToolTalk definitions. This section defines these terms and conventions used in the ToolTalk message man pages.

Table C-1 Document and Media Exchange Message Set Descriptions

Type of Information



A single line that describes the message in the following format:


where MsgName is the name of the message and Tt_class is either Request or Notice.


The name of the message and a one-line description of the message.


An explanation of the operation (event) that the message requests (announces).


A representation of the message in the ToolTalk types-file syntax (similar to the syntax understood by the ToolTalk type compiler tt_type_comp) in the following format:

<fileAttrib> <opName> (<requiredArgs> [<optionalArgs>]);

A synopsis entry is given for each interesting variant of the message.

<fileAttrib> - An indication of whether the file attribute of the message can/should be set.

<opName> - The name of the operation or event is called the "op name" (or "op"). It is important that different tools not use the same opName to mean different things. Therefore, unless a message is a standard one, its opName should be made unique. A good way to do this is to prefix it with: <Company><Product> e.g.,


<requiredArgs>, <optionalArgs> - The arguments that must always be included in the message. A particular argument is described in the following format:


<mode> <vtype> <argument name>

where mode is one of "in", "out", or "inout", vtype is a programmer-defined string that describes what kind of data a message argument contains; and argument name is the name of the argument.

The ToolTalk service uses vtypes to match sent message instances with registered message patterns. By convention, a vtype maps to a single, well-known data type.

required arguments

The arguments that must always be in the message.

<vtype> <argumentName>

A description of a particular argument.


A `vtype' is a programmer-defined string that describes what kind of data a message argument contains. ToolTalk uses vtypes for the sole purpose of matching sent message instances with registered message patterns.

Every vtype should by convention map to a single, well-known data type. The data type of a ToolTalk argument is either integer, string, or bytes. The data type of a message or pattern argument is determined by which ToolTalk API function is used to set its value.

The argument name is merely a comment hinting to human readers at the semantics of the argument, much like a parameter name in a C typedef.

optional arguments


The extra arguments that may be included in a message. Unless otherwise noted, any combination of the optional arguments, in any order, may be appended to the message after the required arguments.



An explanation of the operation that the request entreats, or the event that the notice announces.


A list of the error codes that can be set by the handler of the request (or the sender of the notice).

Edict--An edict is a notice that looks like a request. If a request returns no data (or if the sender does not care about the returned data), it can sometimes be useful to broadcast that request to a set of tools. Since the message is a notice, no data is returned, no replies are received, and the sender is not told if any tool gets the message.

Handler--The handler is the distinguished recipient procid of a request. This procid is responsible for completing the indicated operation.

Notice--A notice is a message that announces an event. Zero or more tools may receive a given notice. The sender does not know whether any tools receive its notice. A notice cannot be replied to.

Procid--A procid is a principal that can send and receive ToolTalk messages. A procid is an identity, created and handed over by the ToolTalk service on demand (via tt_open), that a process must assume in order to send and receive messages. A single process can use multiple procids; and a single procid can be used by a group of cooperating processes.

Request--A request is a message that asks an operation to be performed. A request has a distinguished recipient, called a handler, who is responsible for completing the indicated operation. A handler may fail, reject, or reply to a request. Any number of handlers may reject a request but ultimately only one handler can fail it or reply to it. If no running handler can be found to accept a request, the ToolTalk service can automatically start a handler. If no willing handler can be found, or if a handler fails the request, then the request is returned to the sender in the `failed' state.


A Tt_status code can be read from a reply via tt_message_status. This status defaults to TT_OK, or can be set by the handler via tt_message_status_set. In extraordinary circumstances (such as no matching handler) the ToolTalk service itself sets the message status.

In addition to the Tt_status values defined by the ToolTalk API, the overview reference page for each set of messages lists the error conditions defined for that set of messages. For each error condition, the overview reference page provides

  • Its name

  • Its integer value

  • A string in the "C" locale that explains the error condition

    Since the ToolTalk Inter-Client Conventions (TICC) are a binary message interface, the integer and string are part of that binary interface; the name is not.

  • The string may be used as a key in the SUNW_TOOLTALK_INTERCLIENTCONVENTIONS domain to retrieve a localized explanation of the error condition. See dgettext(3).

  • The integer values of these status codes begin at 1537 (TT_ERR_APPFIRST + 1). The first 151 codes correspond to the system error list defined in intro(2).

    A standard programming interface for these conventions that binds the name to the integer value does not yet exist.

    The ToolTalk service allows an arbitrary status string to be included in any reply. Since a standard localized string can be derived for each status code, this status string may be used as a free-form elucidation of the status. For example, if a request is failed with TT_DESKTOP_EPROTO, the status string could be set to "The vtype of argument 2 was `string'; expected `integer'". Handling tools should try to compose the status string in the locale of the requestor. See the Get_Locale request.

General ToolTalk Development Guidelines and Conventions

Sun Microsystems, Inc. encourages open protocols. A protocol is open largely to the extent that it contains anonymous message (that is, messages that are sent without knowledge of who is to receive them). This section provides guidelines to help you independently develop applications that will successfully interact with any other application that supports the message protocol. These guideline and principles help ensure that two independently-developed applications will be able to initiate and maintain conventions; and, thus, interact with each other. By following these guidelines, you will enable users of your application to better control and customize their environment.

When you write a ToolTalk application, you need to follow these principles:

  1. Always make requests anonymous.

  2. Let tools be started as needed.

  3. Reply to a request only when the requested operation has been completed.

  4. Avoid statefulness whenever possible.

  5. Declare one ptype for each role a tool can play.

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