
TABLE 1-1small space Addressing a Disk in a Sun StorEdge A5x00 Disk Array by Enclosure Name

TABLE 1-2small space Addressing a Disk in a Sun Fire 880 Disk Array by Enclosure Name

TABLE 2-1small space Subcommand Support Matrix

TABLE 2-2small space led Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-3small space led_blink Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-4small space led_off Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-5small space led_on Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-6small space probe Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-7small space display Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-8small space inquiry Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-9small space download Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-10small space download Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-11small space fc_s_download Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-12small space fcal_s_download Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-13small space fcode_download Options

TABLE 2-14small space qlgc_s_download Options

TABLE 2-15small space env_display Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-16small space alarm_off Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-17small space alarm_on Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-18small space alarm_set Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-19small space enclosure_name Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-20small space perf_statistics Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-21small space power_off Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-22small space power_on Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-23small space release Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-24small space reserve Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-25small space set_boot_dev Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-26small space start Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-27small space stop Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-28small space fast_write Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-29small space nvram_data Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-30small space purge Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-31small space sync_cache Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-32small space remove_device Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-33small space insert_device Options and Arguments

TABLE 2-34small space replace_device Options and Arguments

TABLE 3-1small space enclosure_name Options and Arguments

TABLE 3-2small space Disk Replacement Decision Table

TABLE A-1small space Expert Mode Subcommands

TABLE A-2small space Expert Mode Subcommand Support Matrix

TABLE B-1small space Slice and command Information