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Sun StorEdge[tm] A5200 Array: SRDBs

SRDB Synopsis
48263 Sun StorEdge[TM] A5000:Symptom:luxadm Probe Returns Disk Drive Data Paths Instead of A5x00 En closure Information
27960 luxadm remove_device error "SCSI Error - Sense Byte: Check condition"
26712 SCSI Transport errors and disks timeout failures on A5x00, T3, Sun Blade 1000, or E3500
26462 A5X00: luxadm insert error: can not initialize the loop
26435 A5x00 IB firmware upgrade problem where front panel gets disabled.
24407 Error installing Solaris on ST318304 FC disk drives: Could not create Solaris disk label (VTOC)
22446 Unable to remove a disk using `luxadm remove_device enclosure,dev`
19525 "Lost Frame 0x14" Errors with 18GB FC drives in A5x00's and E3500's
17791 Volume manager does not show both paths in DMP as valid after replacing gbic hardware
17643 Recovering from a failed FCAL boot disk
17448 2.5.1 to 2.6 upgrade cannot see new Photons (A5000) disks
17003 Veritas Volume Manager - How to replace a disk in an A5x00 array (Photon)
16057 WARNING: add_spec: No major number for sf
16003 Cannot see A5000 disks after install of 2.5.1 8/97

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