InfoDoc ID   Synopsis   Date
41703   Sun Enterprise[TM] 10000: How to boot a domain from the network   19 Sep 2002

Status Issued

Follow the steps below to boot a Sun Enterprise[TM] 10000 domain from an SSP acting as a boot server 
on the same subnet.

On the SSP:
Check the /etc/nsswitch.conf file. The naming service should be set to files only:

	ssp:platform% more /etc/nsswitch.conf
	# An example file that could be copied over to /etc/nsswitch.conf; it
	# does not use any naming service.
	# "hosts:"and "services:" in this file are used only if the
	# /etc/netconfig file has a "-" for nametoaddr_libs of "inet" transports.

	passwd:     files
	group:      files 
	hosts:      files nis
	networks:   files
	protocols:  files
	rpc:        files
	ethers:     files
	netmasks:   files       
	bootparams: files
	publickey:  files
	# At present there isn't a 'files' backend for netgroup;  the system will 
	#   figure it out pretty quickly, and won't use netgroups at all.
	netgroup:   files
	automount:  files
	aliases:    files
	services:   files
	sendmailvars:   files

Next, check the /etc/ethers file. Use the mac address from the banner displayed
on the domain.  If this has scrolled beyond the screen, type banner to re-display
this information.

	ssp:platform% more /etc/ethers

	00:00:be:1:1:f7 platform-cb1
	00:00:be:01:00:19 platform-cb0
	0:0:be:a6:60:41 domainname
	8:0:20:87:d7:48 ssp0
	8:0:20:76:dd:c4 ssp1                        

NOTE: The mac address for both ssp's must be in the /etc/ethers file.

On the domain:

With the domain at the ok prompt, do a printenv and check to see if the 
local-mac-address? is set to false. If it is set to true, set it to false.  
This is done with the setenv command.

	ok printenv local-mac-address? 

	local-mac-address?	true		true

	ok setenv local-mac-address? false 
	ok printenv local-mac-address?

	local-mac-address? 	false		true

Now check the path to the disk and the network. At the ok prompt on the domain, run 
the following commands.  

	ok devalias net
	net                     /sbus@49,0/SUNW,qfe@1,8c00000
	ok devalias disk
	disk                    /sbus@60,0/QLGC,isp@0,10000/sd@0,0

If changing a path is required, run the show-nets or show-disks command.

	ok show-nets		   
	a) /sbus@61,0/SUNW,hme@1,8c00000
	b) /sbus@61,0/network@0,100000
	c) /sbus@49,0/SUNW,qfe@1,8c30000	<<<--- This is QFE Port 3
	d) /sbus@49,0/SUNW,qfe@1,8c20000	<<<--- This is QFE Port 2
	e) /sbus@49,0/SUNW,qfe@1,8c10000	<<<--- This is QFE Port 1
	f) /sbus@49,0/SUNW,qfe@1,8c00000	<<<--- This is QFE Port 0
	Enter Selection, q to quit: f	/sbus@49,0/SUNW,qfe@1,8c00000 has been selected.
	Type ^Y ( Control-Y ) to insert it in the command line. 
	e.g. ok nvalias mydev ^Y 
 	        for creating devalias mydev for 
	ok nvalias net /sbus@49,0/SUNW,qfe@1,8c00000
	ok show-disks
	a) /sbus@61,0/SUNW,fas@1,8800000/sd
	b) /sbus@60,0/fcaw@1,0/sd
	c) /sbus@60,0/QLGC,isp@0,10000/sd
	d) /sbus@48,0/fcaw@1,0/sd
	e) /sbus@48,0/QLGC,isp@0,10000/sd
	Enter Selection, q to quit: c
	/sbus@60,0/QLGC,isp@0,10000/sd has been selected.
	Type ^Y ( Control-Y ) to insert it in the command line. 
	e.g. ok nvalias mydev ^Y 
 	        for creating devalias mydev for
	ok nvalias disk /sbus@60,0/QLGC,isp@0,10000/sd@0,0                        

NOTE: Don't forget to add the @0,0 at the end of the disk selection.

Back on the SSP:

Do a domain_status to verify that the domain has been created with the right OS version.                        

ssp:platform% domain_status

	 DOMAIN           TYPE                      PLATFORM        OS      SYSBDS
	 domainname       Ultra-Enterprise-10000    platform        5.8     3 4 11
If the OS version is incorrect, the domain has to be renamed with the correct version.  

	ssp:platform% domain_rename -d domainname -o 5.8                        

From the man page:

	-o new_os_version
           The version of the SunOS operating system - for  exam-
           ple,  5.5.1,  5.6,  5.7, or 5.8 - to be running on the

	NOTE:  If changing the OS revision, a bringup is required, 
		this is covered later in this document.
Next check the /etc/hosts file to verify that the hostname for the domain is listed.

	ssp:platform% more /etc/hosts          platform-cb1   # control board 1 (private net)          platform-cb0   # control board 0 (private net)     domainname     ssp0     ssp1

As root, cd to the Tools directory on the cdrom to remove and add the domain
as an install client.                        

NOTE: The correct architecture for Operating systems 2.5.1 and 2.6 is sun4u1.

For Solaris 2.5.1: 

	ssp# cd /cdrom/_2_5_1_hw497_sparc/s0
	ssp# ./rm_install_client (domain_name)	
	ssp# ./add_install_client (domain_name) sun4u1

For Solaris 2.6 HW 5/98:

	ssp# cd /cdrom/sol_6_598_sparc_sun_server/s0/solaris_2.6/Tools
	ssp# ./rm_install_client (domain_name)	
	ssp# ./add_install_client (domain_name) sun4u1

For Solaris 7:

	ssp# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_2.7/Tools
	ssp# ./rm_install_client (domain_name)
	ssp# ./add_install_client (domain_name) sun4u

For Solaris 8:

	ssp# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/s0/Solaris_8/Tools
	ssp# ./rm_install_client (domain_name)
	ssp# ./add_install_client (domain_name) sun4u

Next check the /etc/bootparams file and verify that an entry is there for
the OS level being installed and there is only one entry for each domain.

	ssp:platform% more /etc/bootparams
	domainname   root=ssp0:/cdrom/sol_8_600_sparc/s0/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot
	             install=ssp0:/cdrom/sol_8_600_sparc/s0 boottype=:in

Next check in the /etc/inetd.conf file and look to see that the following line is 

tftp   dgram   udp     wait    root    /usr/sbin/in.tftpd      in.tftpd -s 

Next, make sure that the cdrom is shared:

	ssp% share 
	-               /cdrom/sol_8_600_sparc/s0   ro,anon=0   "" 

If you are booting from a 2.5.1 or 2.6 CD and the system boards have 400mhz 8meg
cache cpus, limit the ecache size. This is done in the following manner.

From the obp for the domain:

	ok limit-ecache-size
	ok boot net                        

If a bringup is required, do:

ssp:platform% bringup -A off

Keywords: ssp, boot, domain, e10k, network



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