SRDB ID   Synopsis   Date
40588   Sun Fire[TM]: noname Chassis-Port.SC: WARNING: hostid information is missing   19 Jul 2002

Status Issued


On bootup of the Sunfire[TM] system controller before it reaches the platform shell the following error message appears

Oct 01 06:38:14 noname Chassis-Port.SC: WARNING: hostid information is missing

Keywords: sunfire, sun, fire, hostid, warning, noname,, kernel


These messages are caused by a downrev ID board. In the early days, only the MAC addresses were programmed in the ID board. ScApp used to manufacture hostids based on the lower 24 bits of each MAC address. This scheme was fundamentally flawed (software is not allowed to assume any relationship between MAC address and hostid) and the error was discovered when we ran out of 8:0:20:x:x:x addresses and switched to the new 0:3:ba:x:x:x block.

All new (starting with P1.3 if I remember correctly) ID boards are programmed with both MAC addresses and hostids. The message is a warning from ScApp that only the MAC address was found; ScApp is manufacturing the hostids rather than reading them from the ID board. You can safely ignore this warning.

SUBMITTER: Mike Jaffee APPLIES TO: AFO Vertical Team Docs/Kernel ATTACHMENTS:

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