[rancid] RANCiD 3.9

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Thu Jan 24 19:08:43 UTC 2019

RANCiD 3.9 is available at

Notable additions to 3.9 are Arrcus (WiP) thanks to Arrcus themselves,
F5 / BigIP v13 updates, -i option added to login scripts, and more
filtering for IOS file systems to reduce noise.

Change log contents for 3.9:
        ios.pm: add show module switch for 6500 vss data - Per-Olof Olsson

        arcos.pm: add tacacs key filter

        arcos.pm: fix prompt handling - WIP

        noklogin: exit if pager disable command is not permitted

        xilogin: handle pager disable for arcos

        junos.pm: add ShowSystemConfDB()

        sros.pm: ignore Error: Bad command. error msg form older sros devices

        ciscowlc.pm: filter mgig temperature - Erik Muller

        anlogin: make the pty allocation the same as in jlogin

        dell.pm: powerconnect N[234]000 do not reliably echo the <CR> after
        exit - Wayne Eisenberg

        clogin: new variation of username prompt - Wayne Eisenberg

        wlogin: fix prompt match in run_commands() which was failing for longer
        hostnames/prompts - Erik Muller

        bigip: add "cd /" command for v13 to collect all routes - Wouter de Jong

        nxos.pm: recognize older SAN nexus devices - Wouter de Jong

        a10login: handle logout prompt variation for older ACOS - Wouter de Jong

        junos.pm: handle show chassis firmware bug for 11.x on EX - Wouter de

        panos.pm: ignore show chassis inventory on invalid syntax

        sros.pm: remove duplication of chassis type - Greg Hankins

        sros.pm: restore chassis type line - Greg Hankins

        panos.pm: add show chassis inventory - Erik Muller

        nxos.pm: filter bcm_mem_lock_trace.log since ~7.0.3 - Erik Muller

        hlogin: send \r rather than <sp> for "Press any key to continue" to
        work-around apparant bug - Benoit Dolez

        panlogin: move scripting mode and pager disabling from command list to
        panlogin to work-around complete-on-space {mis-}feature added around
        8.1.4 - Erik Muller

        sros.pm: restore chassis type from bootlog.txt

        clogin: fix problem with catos prompt

        sros.pm: take chassis s/n from bootlog.txt

        *login: adjust the command separated used within; tcl <8.6 does not
        recognize u002 and u0002 as the same value, which caused a regex
        compilation failure

        clogin: ArubaOS >~8.3 has a '*' which must be escaped in prompt
        matching -PJ Goodwin

        *login: backout send-human change in previous commit, where it wasnt
        before.  W/O an appropriate adjustment of the send-human variables,
        it was killing performance.

        *login: address bug in escaping empty commands of -[cx]

        sros.pm: use file type debug command only for total memory and card type

        panlogin: copy/customize last/failed login match from clogin

        fnlogin: accept new banner prompt at login - Ni Ne

        ciscowlc.pm: the device may not echo the \r\n at logout

        fss2: filter sys-uptime

        anlogin, jlogin, noklogin: use spawnopts spawning ssh/telnet

        nxos.pm: GC unused variables

        fortigate: rename fortigate device type to fortigate-full and re-create
        the fortigate type with 'show' (not 'full-configuration')

        anlogin: use login_top

        sros.pm: take chassis type and s/n from show chassis instead of boot.log

        noklogin: remove ^H handling; its consuming too much

        arbor.pm: increase anlogin timeout for slow cli commands

        noklogin: allocate a pty if not on a tty & set term width

        iosxr: DirSlotN(): drop fileno from oscillating files to ignore the
        rotation by renaming behavior seen with ce_switch.log and sort all
        files by filename

        iosxr: also ignore ce_switch.log*

        *login: add -i option

        arcos.pm: initial arcos support - WIP

        anlogin: copy last/failed login match from clogin

        nxos.pm: also ignore accounting_log.0 - Pavel Korovin

        srancid: prevent ShowSys() power supply handling from consuming too much

        fortigate: filter INDUSTRIAL-DB version - Chris Wopat

        nxos.pm: filter out oscillating data from transceivers - Pavel Korovin

        fortigate: wrap other DB signatures within FILTER_OSC

        hlogin: allow prompts with ()s, still not a good idea imo

        fxlogin: missing escape in regex - Erik Muller

        wavesvros.pm: add cmds license file list, blade show, & alarm show

        fortigate.pm: GC unnecessary output spacers & fix comment character -
        Nick Nauwelaerts

        fnlogin: fix logout sequence in run_commands() & used -h option of send

        fnrancid, fortigate.pm: convert fortigate to module

        waverserver.pm: filter power support wattage, new in waveserveros 1.6

        nxos.pm: in ShowEnvTemp() sub-input loop, catch prompt - Scott McInness

        jlogin: skip login tips that look like prompts, like:
        JUNOS tip:
        Use the configuration statement [system login class <name> login-tip]

        rancid.conf.sample: note ALL option FILTER_OSC

        fnrancid: filter db version stamps wrapped in FILTER_OSC - Chris Wopat

        ulogin: parse (ignore) last (failed) login message at login time

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