rancid 2.2.2

john heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Fri Aug 9 18:40:14 UTC 2002

i've made rancid-2.2.2 available for ftp from ftp.shrubbery.net:/pub/rancid

*** if you make use of the looking glass (lg) scripts that come with rancid,
    PLEASE upgrade.  previous versions did not check the query target properly,
    allowing someone with access to the looking glass to query any device
    which can be logged into.

possible bug: a user to whom we supplied an EFT copy of flogin told us that
it did not work with certain devices, but became silent when we asked for
more information.

        *login: fix handling of userprompt et al so that {}'s are used in
        .cloginrc as they are with every other .cloginrc directive.

        f10rancid: Fix to pick up new info in show version output.

        jrancid: Ignore Timecounter "TSC" in show system boot-messages output.

        rancid: filter tty line speed when configured for auto-configure

        flogin: bring login() and do_enable() in-line with [cj]login.  also
        match "telnet server disabled" - from brad volz.

        control_rancid: report devices added to router.db - from Fredrik Thulin
        also eliminate empty up/down lists.

        rancid/jrancid: filter isis passwords - partial from Janos Mohacsi

        lg: make o/p from the lg stream (unbuffered), so one doesnt have
        to wait for entire o/p from the router in a failing traceroute, for
        example.  suggestion and clues from alexander koch.  while here, fix
        cache handling so 1) it doesnt cache cmds that resulted in an error or
        otherwise failed and 2) log and run the cmd as normal if there are
        problems opening a cache file.

        lg: make logging more consistent.  log as defined by LG_LOG if
        possible and stderr as last resort.  it was logging largely to stderr.
        and make exit-code small (instead of 255); some wait()s only look at
        the first 3 bits

        lg: add check in lg.cgi that router name appears in the router.db
        and is thus accessible.  from richard doty.  also fix-up a few
        comments and such.

        rancid: GSR LC PCA h/w revision now called "design release" on
        some platforms.  CSCdw13295

        add util/getipacctg example script - contrib from steve neighorn

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