foundry flogin problem

Mark Schaefer mark at
Tue Jul 16 15:40:31 UTC 2002

Seems the default Foundry username login prompt on telnet is not consistent... and through this I have noticed that the flogin script does not acknowledge the "userprompt" directive from the .cloginrc file.

I modified the regexp that looks for the login prompt in flogin to work in both (that I have found) cases:

(line 385 of flogin which was packaged with 2.2.1)

        -re "(Username:|login:|Name  :)"       {

        -re "(Username|login|Name).*:"       {

This works on both cases I have tested (offending prompts below):

Foundry FastIron with code 07.1.23T13, 07.1.09T13
"Please Enter Login Name  : "

Foundry BigIron with code 07.2.11bT53
"Please Enter Login Name: "

Yeah, there is probably a more elegant regexp to use.


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