CatOS session log message during rancid operation

Terry Kennedy terry at
Tue Jan 13 17:52:10 UTC 2004

> no such command.
> the command "set logging session disable" works but for that session
> only.
> CatOS is 5.5(19)
> Was just wondering were is the correct place to add this command.

  This is in RANCID 2.2.2 already - look near the bottom of clogin for:

    } elseif { $do_script } {
        # If the prompt is (enable), then we are on a switch and the
        # command is "set length 0"; otherwise its "term length 0".
        if [ regexp -- ".*> .*enable" "$prompt" ] {
            send "set length 0\r"
            send "set logging session disable\r"
        } else {
            send "term length 0\r"

  did this code go missing in more recent versions?

        Terry Kennedy   
        terry at             New York, NY USA

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