Undefined symbol "__xuname"

Mohacsi Janos mohacsi at niif.hu
Mon Mar 22 16:17:36 UTC 2004

On Fri, 19 Mar 2004, Randy Bush wrote:

> freebsd current, after today's cvsup and builds
> /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: /usr/local/lib/libtcl84.so.1: Undefined symbol "__xuname"
> and the archives are not helpful.

First of all, check this:

objdump --dynamic-syms /usr/lib/libtcl84.so.1 |grep __xuname

Secondly, I'll bet you have got a 4.x binary involved in there somewhere,
and whatever is generating this message is happening because the main
executable is being linked against libc.so.4 (which doesn't have
__xuname). Probably you have to reinstall libtcl or add Compat4x !

Best Regards,
	Janos Mohacsi

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