[rancid] Re: Rancid + ssh

Arnold Nipper arnold at nipper.de
Wed Jul 26 22:50:58 UTC 2006

On 27.07.2006 00:11 SALMAN ABDOLLAHI VAYEGHAN wrote

> Hi,
> just wondering why the following command doesn't work.
> clogin -c 'telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'  yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
> 'y' acts as a gateway and 'x' works as workstation inside the network. I
> am able to connect to 'y' device easily...but it won't connect to 'x'
> device for some reason...it says "timeout expired!" even though the
> passwords and everthing else is been set in .cloginrc file. 
> Can anyone help me with this?

You will have to provide username und password between '' ... i.e.
something like clogin -c 'telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx\nusername\npassword'


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