[rancid] Re: running rancid-run manually generates false changes

David Luyer david+rancid at luyer.net
Tue Aug 7 16:57:20 UTC 2007

> Hi,
> I have a strange and annoying problem.
> when rancid-run is launched from cronjob (on user "rancid" crontab) all is
> ok.
> but if I try to run it manually on some groups or router even if I am
> logged in as user rancid while doing it, it create false diffs of
> router in all the groups and I get following mail:
> -----------
> Subject: changes in groupname routers
> Routers changed to up:
>         routerx:cisco
> Added routers:
>         routerx:cisco
> Deleted routers:
>         routerx:cisco
> -----------

I take it you have multiple routers in each of these sections of the email?

Some of the state files from RANCID are sorted.  Some of the tools in the
control_rancid script assume consistent sorting of the 'before' and 'after'

Your cron daemon and your login session may be using different locales
(with different sort orders)?


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