[rancid] Connecting to a Cisco Service Control Engine

Sherrill, Justin jsherrill at currentcomm.net
Thu Jan 25 22:07:15 UTC 2007

I've got a number of Cisco SCE units (formerly known as P-Cube).  They
don't prompt for a username, just a password.  Connecting to them with
clogin will log in, but they hang once the user prompt shows.  

The prompt is the normal type that Rancid recognizes - "hostname>".  It
appears that Rancid emits the password normally, and then waits for
something other than the user prompt, which leads to the timeout.  I
don't know what that something is.  

Looking at clogin, it appears that it should enter the password and
happily continue when it sees the '>' in the prompt, unless I'm reading
it wrong.  

Will clogin look for the user prompt if the username hasn't been

(Details - .cloginrc):

add password  pass1   pass2
add method  {telnet}

(what I see)

$ ./bin/clogin -c 'show vers'
spawn telnet
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.

User Access Verification

Error: TIMEOUT reached

Justin C. Sherrill - CURRENT Communications
220 Kenneth Drive
Rochester, New York 14623
P: 585.486.0549 F: 585.486.0030

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