[rancid] Re: Newbie Question...sorry!

john heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Mon Oct 15 17:40:27 UTC 2007

Mon, Oct 15, 2007 at 07:17:42AM -0300, Munroe, James   (DSS/MAS):
> Could someone please tell me if there is a way to add a variable to a command file for processing with nlogin?  For example I want to issue the following command on 170 simliar devices:  "get event > tftp <ROUTERNAME>.log"  The <ROUTERNAME> needs to be unique for each device.  I don't care if it's the device's IP or hostname or whatever...as long as it is unique.  Hostname or IP would be nice though :-)

as shawn suggested, process one device at a time and wrap it in a shell script
which passes -E to the script and use -s with your own script OR use -c
instead of -E=.

> Also when using nlogin or clogin what's the easiest way to specify a large number of remote devices?  I've got like 380+ firewalls and routers that I'd like to issue a nlogin/clogin against.  I know the command line gives you the option to list each deviceon the same command line...but I was looking for something a little more manageable.  I'd eventually like to automate this...or script it.


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