[rancid] Gathering Cisco MDS configurations

Eric Cables ecables at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 17:46:52 UTC 2008

I have sent a couple of e-mails in the past about this topic, and gotten
some replies that were helpful, but I am still struggling with this.  I have
9500 series MDS switches, running SAN-OS, that I need to archive.  Currently
I rely on CiscoWorks to do this, which is pretty much the only reason I
still have that software in place.

Here are the suggestions I have received, and implemented:

Modify the bin/rancid file as follows:

        if (/^Application and Content Networking Software/) { $type="CE"; }
+      if (/^Cisco Storage Area Networking Operating System/) { $type="SAN";

    # The ContentEngine lacks a definitive "end of config" marker.  If we
    # know that it is a CE and we have seen at least 5 lines of write term
    # o/p, we can be reasonably sure that we got the config.
    if ($type =~ /^CE$/ && $linecnt > 5) {
        $found_end = 1;

+    # The Cisco SAN switch running SANOS lacks a definitive "end of config"
+    # marker.  If we know that it is a SAN switch and we have seen at least
+    # lines of write term o/p, we can be reasonably sure that we got the
+    if ($type =~ /^SAN$/ && $linecnt > 5) {
+        $found_end = 1;
+        return(1);
+    }


I have done the above, but it didn't seem to yield the expected results.
Here is my output from a rancid-run:

Trying to get all of the configs.
mds-02-04: End of run not found

mds-02-01: End of run not found

mds-02-02: End of run not found

mds-02-03: End of run not found

<<output ommitted due to redundancy>>

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs

ending: Wed Apr 30 10:42:09 PDT 2008

The above just loops for each round, and then it fails out.  Any suggestions
would be greatly appreciated.

Eric Cables
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