[rancid] Need a little help with Auto Enable

Hurgh hurgh at hurgh.org
Sun Dec 7 23:49:06 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I am trying to login to a Cisco router that has AutoEnable setup (enter user
and pass, and you are enabled).

I have the following in my .clogin file:

add user                   myusername
add password               {mypassword}
add autoenable     1

The User and Pass have been swapped out, but I have confirmed the ones I am
using are correct (can manually telnet to the device using the user and pass
to login correctly).

I have confirmed that the router supplies the correct "Username" and
"Password" prompts.

The following is the error I get when I run:


write(spawn_id=1): broken pipe
    while executing
"send_user -- "$expect_out(buffer)""
    invoked from within
"expect -nobrace -re+ { exp_continue } -re {^[^
 *]*spgvsour01c([^#>\r\n]+)?[#>](\([^)\r\n]+\))?} { send_user --
                                                } -re {..."
    invoked from within
"expect {
                -re "\b+"                       { exp_continue }
                -re "^\[^\n\r *]*$reprompt"     { send_user --
                -re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprompt."      { send..."
    invoked from within
"if [ string match "*\;*" "$command" ] {
        set commands [split $command \;]
        set num_commands [llength $commands]
        # the pager can not be turned off on ..."
    (procedure "run_commands" line 34)
    invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
    ("foreach" body line 150)
    invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
    set router [string tolower $router]
    # attempt at platform switching.
    set platform ""
    send_user ..."
    (file "/home/rancid/bin/clogin" line 712) missed cmd(s): admin show diag,dir /all slavedisk2:,dir /all
sec-slot2:,show diag,dir /all disk1:,dir /all sec-nvram:,dir /all disk2:,dir
/all sec-bootflash:,show spe version,dir /all slaveslot2:,dir /all
disk0:,dir /all slaveslot0:,dir /all sec-slot1:,dir /all harddiska:,dir /all
slavenvram:,dir /all sec-disk2:,dir /all slavesup-bootflash:,dir /all
sec-disk0:,dir /all harddiskb:,show inventory raw,dir /all slavedisk1:,show
module,show controllers,show diagbus,dir /all slavedisk0:,show debug,dir
/all bootflash:,dir /all sec-slot0:,dir /all sec-disk1:,write term,show vtp
status,dir /all sup-bootflash:,dir /all slot2:,dir /all harddisk:,dir /all
slot0:,dir /all sup-microcode:,show vlan,dir /all slavebootflash:,show
controllers cbus,dir /all slaveslot1:,show vlan-switch,show
running-config,show c7200,dir /all slot1: End of run not found

I have done some searching etc, but can not find what the problem may be.

>From reading through the errors, it seems that it is not able to enter the
user or password, but I dont know why.

Here is the output from a manual telnet to the device:

Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.

    * Access to this computer system is limited to authorised users only. *
    * Unauthorised users may be subject to prosecution under the Crimes   *
    *                       Act or State legislation                      *
    *                                                                     *
    *   Please note, ALL CUSTOMER DETAILS are confidential and must       *
    *                          not be disclosed.                          *

User Access Verification (ISP V1)

Username: myusername
Signon successful.


Again, username has been modified for privacy.

If anyone can shed some light on what the issue may be, or point me in a
direction that may enable me to trouble shoot a bit more, that would be much


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