[rancid] rancid-run does not always send report (diffs)

Donovan Fourie donovan.fourie at sai.co.za
Mon May 23 07:09:05 UTC 2011


Once again Rancid did not send an e-mail on Sunday morning and Monday
morning. I was the only person at work on Saturday and the server is only
configured with Rancid and Sysmon. No changes were made between Saturday
morning when it worked and Sunday morning when it did not.

Saturday (worked):

Getting missed routers: round 1.
All routers sucessfully completed.

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs
Checking in configs/41.216.xxx.xxx;
/usr/local/rancid/var/CVS/sai/configs/41.216.xxx.xxx,v  <--  41.216.xxx.xxx
new revision: 1.10; previous revision: 1.9

ending: Sat May 21 03:10:38 SAST 2011

Sunday (No E-mail):

Getting missed routers: round 2.
All routers sucessfully completed.

cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing configs
cvs commit: Examining .
cvs commit: Examining configs

ending: Sun May 22 03:20:40 SAST 2011

When checking /rancid/var/CVS/sai/configs$ it does not look like a new
version of the config was retrieved for the router mentioned in the Saturday

head    1.10;
locks; strict;
comment @# @;
expand  @o@;

date    2011.;    author rancid;  state Exp;
next    1.9;

date    2011.;    author rancid;  state Exp;
next    1.8;

I'm quite stumped by this as I can't find any reason why Rancid would work
one day but not the next. I know that if I had to manually run Rancid now it
would successfully collect the new configs and send a mail. 

Any help would be much appreciated.

Donovan Fourie

-----Original Message-----
From: john heasley [mailto:heas at shrubbery.net] 
Sent: 20 May 2011 07:05 PM
To: Donovan Fourie
Subject: Re: [rancid] rancid-run does not always send report (diffs)

Fri, May 20, 2011 at 09:31:13AM +0200, Donovan Fourie:
> Hi
> Thanks for the help. 
> I've already checked the mail logs and it appears as though no mail was
> generated by rancid. Unfortunately I've already had to run Rancid again so
> checking the version numbers now would not be very helpful. I did however

of course it would.  there is a version and date for every commit.

> notice that the version numbers for our routers never changed by more than
> even though rancid ran twice between emails so the changes were probably
> committed. 
> As I mentioned previously, now that I have manually done a rancid-run it
> will continue to work for a few days before it breaks. Once this problem
> crops up again (probably in the next 2 days) I will check version numbers
> see if any changes were committed.

you're not telling us something.  you're doing more than just running 

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