[rancid] Rancid 2.3.8 and multiple vendor devices

Gareth Hopkins gabbawp at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 08:36:48 UTC 2012


I've upgraded some of our rancid instances to 2.3.8 and am seeing the following issues. 

When polling fortigate devices, I get the following 


$ fnlogin fortigate_device
spawn ssh -p  -c 3des -x -l rancid fortigate_device
Bad port ''

Error: Couldn't login: fortigate_device


So ssh is connecting with a port but there is no port specified in my .cloginrc file. 


add method *            {ssh} {telnet}


When I add a ssh port fortigates start working, but junipers then break. 

.cloginrc file is now 

add method *            {ssh:22} {telnet}


$ jlogin juniper_device

Error: unknown connection method: ssh:22


It seems that either fnlogin or jlogin is not reading the port settings from .cloginrc correctly ? 



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