[rancid] Rancid on CentOS 6.3

Matthew Walster matthew at walster.org
Thu May 9 11:31:03 UTC 2013

On 8 May 2013 12:01, Darius Seroka <dariusjs at gmail.com> wrote:

> I havent deployed RANCID for a while but last time I used this git repo as
> it seemed to have been quite patched up.
> https://github.com/dotwaffle/rancid-git The stuff on epel was quite
> outdated at the time.

​As the guy who maintains that repo, I'd be very wary of it. Try and use
the RANCID tarball on the shrubbery.net website if you can, it's almost
certainly tested to a very much higher degree than my changesets.

Essentially, that repo was created because I wanted to add git support and
have a sane way of merging in the latest releases. Then a bunch of other
things got hacked in -- HTML colorized emails, Netgear support, F5 >=v10​
support, stuff that really only gets tested about once a year when I get
something new in front of me that RANCID mainline doesn't support quite as
well as it could do given an unlimited supply of free time.

It also seems to attract every crazy out there who emails me personally
asking for help installing RANCID but not understanding it's a
Next>Next>Next>Finish affair.

I'm hoping that once RANCID 3 becomes stable that my repo can be retired as
I imagine it gives quite a few people headaches.

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