[rancid] rancid not writting configurations to /config/ file

Alan McKinnon alan.mckinnon at gmail.com
Thu Sep 12 09:06:12 UTC 2013

On 12/09/2013 10:08, Erica James wrote:
> hello there!
> I am facing a problem with rancid, please kindly advise. I am adding a
> Huawei MA5600T device to rancid, but rancid does not write
> configurations to the /config/  file.This is the only output I am
> getting in the file.
> [eserica at netflow configs]$ ls
>  CVS
> [eserica at netflow configs]$ less
> #
> and with the logs,
> Trying to get all of the configs.
> missed cmd(s): display current-configuration,display version
> End of run not found
> #
> All routers sucessfully completed.
> cvs diff: Diffing .
> cvs diff: Diffing configs
> cvs commit: Examining .
> cvs commit: Examining configs
> Does it have anything to do with the "missed cmds"? What about the end
> of run. I have checked out suggestions from the forum plus the FAQs but
> none has proved success.

"missed commands" means that the rancid parser looked for the output of
those two commands, but did not find it for whatever reason. It's a
general type of error message and all you know at this point is that
something went wrong.

"end of run not found" means exactly that - the parser looked for some
text pattern that indicates all the text above it was processed
correctly and the end happened exactly where it was expected to end.
Again, we know something went wrong but have no idea what.

I don't have the hu* scripts, but I assume they are forked from the
original rancid scripts?

Run "hurancid -d <router name>", that should dump the entire raw output
into the current directory and you can manually go through it to figure
out what went wrong.

Consider how rancid must work - it receives many lines of unstructured
text that hopefully follow and expected pattern. It has to identify the
prompt character, match the command entered later on that line, and
process every line after it until it sees a prompt again, then repate
for the next command. It's all driven by regular expressions and if one
line does not match in the expected way it can throw out everything that
follows. Plus, we have vendors who change the formatting of the output
almost on a whim sometimes...

There's no stock answer to the problem you have, it really does take
eyeballs on the text to figure it out.

> Can someone advise please.  I am currently using hulogin and hurancid
> scripts. Take a look at them
> https://github.com/ssinyagin/rancid-ssi/blob/master/bin/hulogin.in
> https://github.com/ssinyagin/rancid-ssi/blob/master/bin/hurancid.in
> Thanks in advance
> Eserica
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Alan McKinnon
alan.mckinnon at gmail.com

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