[rancid] Adtran Support

Alan McKinnon alan.mckinnon at gmail.com
Wed Dec 31 17:40:32 UTC 2014

On 31/12/2014 18:20, Scott Baker wrote:
> I'm looking to do the same thing you are. We have several TA5000s I'd
> like to version using Rancid. There is not an "adtran" module that I can
> see, so I just set them as Cisco and it works 90%. The first time it
> fails trying to run a bunch of Cisco specific commands, but it does get
> the config which is all I care about.
> I wish there was a way to say JUST get the config, since that would work
> for most platforms. If you find any more information on that TA5000 let
> me know, maybe between the two of us we can get it working?

That would be nice, but it's problematic to implement. Network devices
tend not to have a somehow special way to just get config. You run "show
run" or some variant which as far as rancid is concerned is just another
command and in now way different from "show <something else>"

One would have to somehow tag the command-getting commands in the list
of commands and then implement an option to ignore everything else in
the list. Which immediately introduces two problems:

1. What constitutes "config" for these purposes? Folk will disagree
2. What about devices that have two or more commands that return what
most would consider to be "config".

I found the easiest way was to fork all the rancid modules and rename
them to something local. Edit @commandtable to remove everything except
"show run"-like commands, that worked for me

> On 12/30/2014 01:35 PM, Steven Saner wrote:
>> Hi all:
>> I have been using RANCID for years now with Cisco gear. I would like to
>> also use it with some Adtran gear that we have, including the TA5000,
>> TA90x IADs, and Netvanta EFM cpe.
>> I'm working with the most recent version and I see what appears to be
>> the beginnings of support for Adtran gear in /etc/rancid.types.base. But
>> there doesn't seem to be any adtran.pm module. I also see a comment from
>> a few months ago in the list archives about someone that once created an
>> nvrancid script to handle some Netvanta gear.
>> My question is this. Is there any effort underway to finish up the
>> Adtran support in the current version, and if so, can I be of any help?
>> If not, I would like to embark on the project myself and contribute any
>> work that I'm able to accomplish.
>> Steve

Alan McKinnon
alan.mckinnon at gmail.com

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