[rancid] Rancid 3.2 RHEL6 compatibilities with Socket module.
heas at shrubbery.net
Fri Jun 5 21:07:11 UTC 2015
Mon, Jun 01, 2015 at 09:50:56PM -0400, Robert Drake:
> Not speaking for anyone but myself.
> FWIW, this is code from spamassassin:
> my $ip6 = eval {
> require Socket;
> Socket->VERSION(1.95);
> Socket->import( 'inet_pton' );
> 1;
> } || eval {
> require Socket6;
> Socket6->import( 'inet_pton' );
> 1;
> };
> Normally I would say use NetAddr::IP or another library to avoid the
> inet_pton call, but I found this note:
> # ipaddrval(IPaddr) converts and IPv4/v6 address to a string for comparison.
> # Some may ask why not use Net::IP; performance. We tried and it was
> horribly
> # slow.
> If performance is a major concern I would make minor changes to the
> existing code (sorry for the formatting):
> if ($a =~ /:/) {
> my($l);
> ($a, $l) = split(/\//, $a); # this split works even if the slash
> isn't there
> $l ||= 128; # if !defined is faster than if (/\//)
> $norder = inet_pton(AF_INET6, $a);
> return unpack('H128', $norder) . unpack('H', pack('C', $l));
> }
that doesn't handle /0 properly. this does:
($a, $l) = split(/\//, $a);
if (!defined($l)) {
$l ||= 128;
the difference in speed/efficiency is tiny (on 13M of acls). Net::IP was
utterly haneous; seemingly in perl's object handling mess.
> I don't think this sacrifices readability but it improves the
> performance (by about 30-40k calls/s). The regex and split string
> operations are almost always the most expensive aspect and if there were
> ways to get rid of them then the speed would go way up. Honestly
> inet_pton is low level but it's the best way to get speed out of IP
> operations (because it's just wrapping a C function).
> Drawbacks: RHEL6 (or anything older than 2009 running perl5.10.x) don't
> have inet_pton. Socket.pm also doesn't support MSWin32 until 2.019,
> which hasn't been shipped yet with any version of perl (so inet_pton
> isn't available on any windows systems without workarounds. I have no
> idea if anyone runs rancid on windows though, or if that would be possible)
> Suggested workarounds: It's a minor change. I'm not sure if Redhat
> uses a system like Debian's quilt for maintaining downstream patches,
> but I would just put together a changeset for the 3 lines and repackage
> it rather than forcing the change upstream. The reason being that
> although this is minor, changing it causes documentation headaches
> (well.. a comment saying why it is the way it is) and doesn't give a
> sunset clause to it. If it's maintained in downstream then as soon as
> RHEL6 support is dropped the packages stop being produced and that is
> the sunset of the changes.
I agree with that; if they insist upon using ancient versions, then ....
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