[rancid] Radware/Alteon Interactive Commands

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Tue Mar 17 18:59:25 UTC 2015

Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 09:24:12AM +0100, Iñaki Martínez Díez:
> Hello,
>  The problem is that if you connect via TELNET and answered ³y² you obtain:
> # /cfg/dump
> Display private keys? [y/n]: y
> Access Denied: This operation can only be performed over a secure
> connection such as HTTPS or SSH.
> Connect to the device using a secure protocol and retry.
>  So my solution was this:
> -re "Display private keys" {
>         if { "$cmethod" == "ssh" } {
>                 send "y\r"
>         } else {
>                 send "n\r"
>         }
>         exp_continue
> So it is checked the method of connection.
> But if you connect via SSH and answered ³y² you need to answered another
> question:
> # /cfg/dump
> Display private keys? [y/n]: y
> Enter passphrase:
> So my solution was to add:
> -re "passphrase" {
>         send ³PASSWORD\r"
>         exp_continue
>                                                 }
> Where ³PASSWORD² is a fix password that your certificates are cipher, so
> any certificate to import needs that PASSWORD.

Do you mean that the password is the passphrase for the Certificate?  Not
the password for the device.  Thats ugly.  I'm not sure how to handle that

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