[rancid] Support for Dell EqualLogic PS-Series Storages in RANCID

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Fri Dec 16 20:08:37 UTC 2016

Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 10:34:42PM +0100, Frank Fegert:
> Hello all,
> i'd like to propose to add support for Dell EqualLogic PS-Series
> storage arrays to RANCID. I've described the necessary extensions
> and changes here:
>   http://www.bityard.org/blog/2016/12/13/dell_equallogic_ps-series_rancid
> and there is a Git branch containing the changes available here:
>   https://github.com/frank-fegert/rancid/tree/equallogic
> Besides some minor changes to the build system and documentation,
> the only major additions are "bin/eqllogin(.in)" and "lib/equal-
> logic.pm(.in)".
> The extensions have been successfully tested against the following
> Dell EqualLogic PS-Series models:
>   Dell EqualLogic PS-M4110
>   Dell EqualLogic PS-4210
>   Dell EqualLogic PS-6210
> and have been in production use for over a month now.
> Can you please consider the provided extensions for inclusion in
> the next rancid release?

Can anyone who has these devices test Frank's module?

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