[rancid] High cpu on large configs

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Tue Mar 29 12:46:15 UTC 2016

Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 03:10:16PM -0300, nachofw:
> Thanks for the input.I ended up taking advantage of the fact that asa doesn't support 'terminal length'and 'terminal width'. And changed the file lee mentioned:-> /usr/share/perl5/rancid/ios.pm        # the pager can not be disabled per-session on the PIX        if (/^(<-+ More -+>)/) {            my($len) = length($1);            s/^$1s{$len}//;+            select(undef, undef, undef, 0.15);        }
> I cant use the 'terminal pager 0' because that displays all the config in one shot and causes the cpu to spike to 97%, i needed for rancid to use the ---more--- feature when displaying the config.Again thanks to all-------- 

Why is it an issue if the cpu jumps for 97%?  So what.  It is temporary and
the scheduler should prioritize processes appropriately.

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