[rancid] aerohive hiveos support

Nick Nauwelaerts nick.nauwelaerts at aquafin.be
Tue Jul 31 20:16:00 UTC 2018


since we have around 200 aerohive devices and regretfully quite some issues related to hivemanager changing config settings due to bugs or inexperienced admins, i wanted to at least know what & when was changed. as such i'm trying to add support for hiveos (the operating system on aerohive access points).

i borrowed erik muller's login script:
ahlogin - https://github.com/ermuller/rancid-stuff/blob/master/ahrancid

and set out to try & add the rest. at the moment configuration backups are working, as well as gathering some information on the devices. filtering of passwords/keys/snmp strings are done for the configs we're running, parsing the info might need some work but is fine for me. i'm making parsing more comprehensive based on the hiveos cli reverence in my spare time.

the code can be found here:

it's based on a subversion checkout of rancid revision 3847. for a diff against rancid 3847 you can compare git branch 8147fec0ffa815e3c4ae6d3a63ef353b0b75f9cd to git branch master:

for a console based version:
git clone https://github.com/inphobia/rancid-aerohive-support.git
git diff 8147fec0ffa815e3c4ae6d3a63ef353b0b75f9cd...master

sidenote: even though the automake files (*.am) have been edited to add the newly added files, my automake version is giving me a hard time, so this has not been tested.

tested on the following models/hardware
   model ap121, hiveos version 6.5r4
   model ap121, hiveos version 6.5r8a
   model ap121, hiveos version 6.5r8b
   model ap121, hiveos version 6.5r9
   model ap230, hiveos version 6.5r8b
   model ap250, hiveos version 8.0r1a
   model ap250, hiveos version 8.3r2
   model ap250, hiveos version 8.3r5

anyone else out there using aerohive devices & willing to give this a spin?

bonus question: it seems ahlogin is mostly clogin (rev 2376) with an extra regex added. clogin is general seems to have provisions for force10 & f5 devices. is there a guideline to fork clogin instead of adding to it? (i see positives & negatives in both approaches)

thx in advance.

// nick


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