[rancid] Run secondary login / collection script for entries in router.db? Anyone doing something like this?

Ni Ne nineoften at hotmail.com
Tue Oct 2 18:15:20 UTC 2018

I am curious to see the effort behind having the default configuration backup contain only the device configuration, and push other things like file system, interface status, inventory, etc, into a separate file. The main reason is I want to greatly increase the amount of ancillary data retrieved for each device, but don't want to clutter the configuration file itself, so disaster recovery is simpler.

Is anyone doing this in a stream-lined fashion, where secondary login scripts are called for each device present in a router.db file? Ideally the administrator would only need to add a device once, and then based on vendor type that secondary login process would run transparently.

I am still digging (back) into the RANCID internals to see how easy this would be to accomplish, so just curious if anyone is doing something like this already.


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