[rancid] Rancid - Error

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Sun Jun 9 17:15:24 UTC 2024

Sun, Jun 09, 2024 at 12:12:02PM +0000, Sathish Kumar Ippani:
> HI,
> Thanks for your time and patience.
> I am trying to install rancid and I am not I am getting below error. I am a non-linux engineer. Tried checking in internet but not get exact answer and issue stands un-resolved.
> rancid at network:~$ /usr/lib/rancid/bin/rancid-cvs
> /usr/lib/rancid/bin/rancid-cvs: 1: /etc/rancid/rancid.conf: ii#: not found

it appears that the first line of that file is mangled.  Either
by you or by the originator of the your rancid package, which I
presume is some linux distribution.

The syntax of that file is bourne shell.

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