[rancid] CVS web viewer?

Nick Nauwelaerts nick.nauwelaerts at aquafin.be
Wed May 29 18:44:30 UTC 2024

+1 for this as well. after 12 years thought it was a good time to archive my repo & start fresh. there are plenty git web frontends, but none compare to https://github.com/websvnphp/websvn if all you need is to compare read only revisions. cgit seems to come closest, but is still way more complex to configure.

i might just stick with svn for rancid, also avoids the caveat of making a repository/group. if you have a git infrastructure running internally i would hop on that, else svn & websvn will most likely save you a lot of frustration.
my websvn config is 10 lines, and apache part 20 lines (with ldap auth & https included).

// nick

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rancid-discuss <rancid-discuss-bounces at www.shrubbery.net> On
> Behalf Of Chris Boyd
> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2024 3:35 PM
> To: rancid-discuss at sea.shrubbery.net
> Subject: Re: [rancid] CVS web viewer?
> > On Feb 21, 2024, at 5:48 PM, Anson Maddock
> <Anson.Maddock at gmx.com> wrote:
> >
> > ViewVC 1.3 (bleeding-edge) has support for python 3 if you would like to
> continue using it.
> >
> > In the 10+ years I've been using Rancid I've used CVS, SVN, and GIT. If you
> have the time, I would migrate to using GIT. We've used GITLIST and GITLAB
> for displaying changes. This also allows you to have a local set of the backups
> on a laptop with little to no effort and they are updated automatically. You can
> also commit updates to the router.db this way as well.
> At the end of the day, I just need to get the configs backed up and have a nice
> way to view them and diff them, Got a lot of options, so I think I’ll pick the
> web interface I like best, and then use the back end version control system
> that fits it best.
> Thanks for all the suggestions.
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