[tac_plus] Changing a user's password from tacacs prompt or other method...

Roderick B. Greening roderick.greening at gmail.com
Wed Jun 2 18:58:20 UTC 2010


Just wondering how I would go about allowing the user to change their password 
without providing access to the tacacs+ server?

For example, the user telnets to one of the tacacs+ enabled NAS and enters 
their username and then nothing for password. I'd like this to trigger a 
request for a password change.

In my tacacs+ config, I am using the default Linux /etc/passwd with the file 
option for login.

Is this possible?
Roderick B. Greening, B.Sc.
Paradise, NL Canada
E-mail/MSN: roderick.greening at gmail.com 
LP: launchpad.net/~roderick-greening 
Wiki: wiki.ubuntu.com/rgreening 
Blog: roderick-greening.blogspot.com 
Twitter: twitter.com/rgreening
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