[tac_plus] Authorization script and before authorization

Henry-Nicolas Tourneur henry.nicolas at tourneur.be
Tue May 11 16:54:59 UTC 2010


I would like to build an authorization script and make every command like no
interface ... to be checked by that script.

So basically, I would like something like :


cmd = no interface {

    before authorization "/usr/local/bin/script $ip";



The goal is that if the script return 0, then it's ok, overwise, 1 or 3 for
a problem, the command is denied and won't be executed.

Basically, I need 2 args, the ip of the device where we are trying to
execute the command ($ip I guess) and the command itself. But I don't know
how to get the full command as a variable for the script (same for the


Any idea ?


Thanks and regards,

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