[tac_plus] tac_plus configuration based on source IP
john heasley
heas at shrubbery.net
Wed Aug 31 15:30:44 UTC 2011
Wed, Aug 31, 2011 at 07:52:10AM -0400, Morty Abzug:
> What is the most recent version of this script? The one I find via
afaik, the attached.
-------------- next part --------------
# Program I threw together to do the things tac_plus won't
# It will allow very granular control. More examples on tacacs.org
# History:
# Version 1.1
# Simple typo - a stray 's' botched a deny statement
# Version 1.2
# Did you know a firewall doesn't end it's commands with a <cr>?
# Version 1.3
# Needs a default user. If most of your users have the same access,
# and you have a default access in tac_plus.conf, you need it here as
# well.
# Version 1.4
# CRS doesn't send $address when in conf t
# Added -fix_crs_bug as as simple/stupid workaround
# Version 1.5
# Mistake in the example, thanks to aojea
# Version 1.6
# Added support for other services besides service=shell
# (ie - they work, but they match on IP/Source only. If you have
# examples of pairs other than cmd to match on, please bring them
# to my attention)
# TO DO (If anybody bothers to request them)
# Possible web front end - simple cgi shouldn't be too hard to write
# Option to replace or append returned tac_pairs might be nice
# Write a better option parser to ignore options not sent (See CRS Bug)
do_auth.py [-options]
Version 1.6
do_auth is a python program I wrote to work as an authorization script for
tacacs to allow greater flexability in tacacs authentication. It allows
a user to be part of many predefined groups that can allow different
access to different devices based on ip, user, and source address.
Do not play with do_auth untill you have a firm grasp on tac_plus!
-u Username. Mandatory. $user
-i Ip address of user. Optional. If not specified, all host_ entries
are ignored and can be omitted. $address
**Note: If you use IOS-XR, you MUST add -fix_crs_bug after $address
due to a bug in IOS-XR
-d Device address. Optional. If not specified, all device_ entries
are ignored and can be omitted. $name
-f Config Filename. Default is do_auth.ini.
-l Logfile. Default is log.txt.
-D Debug mode. Allows you to call the program without reading
from stdin. Useful to test your configuration before going
live. Sets a default command of "show users wides".
Groups are assigned to users in the [users] section. A user must
be assigned to one or more groups, one per line. Groups are defined
in brackets, but can be any name. Each group can have up to 6 options
as defined below.
host_deny Deny any user coming from this host. Optional.
host_allow Allow users from this range. Mandatory if
-i is specified.
device_deny Deny any device with this IP. Optional.
device_permit Allow this range. Mandatory if -d is specified
command_deny Deny these commands. Optional.
command_permit Allow these commands. Mandatory.
The options are parsed in order till a match is found. Obviously,
for login, the commands section is not parsed. If a match is not
found, or a deny is found, we move on to the next group. At the
end, we have an implicit deny if no groups match. All tacacs keys
passed on login to do_auth are returned. (except cmd*) It is
possible to modify them, but I haven't implemented this yet as
I don't need it. Future versions may have an av_pair &
append_av_pair option.
An simple example is as follows.
homer =
stimpy =
host_deny =
host_allow =
device_permit =
command_permit =
host_allow =
device_permit =
command_permit =
Example tacacs line: after authorization "/usr/bin/python
/root/do_auth.pyc -i $address -fix_crs_bug -u $user -d $name -l /root/log.txt
-f /root/do_auth.ini"
(that's one line)
BUGS: You must know your regular expressions. If you enter a bad
expression, such as *. instead of .*, python re will freak out and
not evaluate the expression.
CAVEATS: One group can not take away what another group grants. If
a match is not found, it will go on to the next group. If a deny is
matched, it will go on to the next group.
Order is crucial - the groups should go from more specific to less
specific. In the above example, if television_group was put before
simpson_group, simpson_group would never be called because
televsion_group catches everything in device_permit.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 or any
later version as published by the Free Software Foundation,
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
Written by Dan Schmidt
import sys,re,getopt,ConfigParser
from time import strftime
# I really don't want to deal with these exceptions more than once
# filename is only used in log statements
def get_attribute(config, the_section, the_option, log_file, filename):
if not config.has_section(the_section):
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "Error: Section '%s' does not exist in %s\n"
% (the_section, filename))
if not config.has_option(the_section, the_option):
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "Error: Option '%s' does not exist in section %s in file %s\n"
% (the_option, the_section, filename))
#Should not have any exceptions - BUT, just in case
attributes = config.get(the_section, the_option)
except ConfigParser.NoSectionError:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "Error: Section '%s' Doesn't Exist!\n"
% (the_section))
except ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "Error: Duplicate section '%s'\n"
% (the_section))
except ConfigParser.NoOptionError:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "Error: '%s' not found in section '%s\n'"
% (the_option, the_section))
#To do: finish exceptions.
except ConfigParser.ParsingError:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "Error: Can't parse file '%s'! (You got me)\n"
% (filename))
attributes = attributes.split('\n')
#Strip empty lines
attributes2 = []
for line in attributes:
if line:
return attributes2
# Can't make it part of get_attribute... oh well...
# We need someway to check to see if a username exists with out exit(1)
def check_username(config, log_file, user_name):
if not config.has_section('users'):
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "Error: users section doesn't exist!")
if config.has_option('users', user_name):
return True
return False
# If match item in our_list, true, else false
# Example - if deny section has a match for,
# return True, else False
# If the section doesn't exist, we assume an
# impicity deny/false
def match_it(the_section, the_option, match_item, config, log_file, filename):
if config.has_option(the_section,the_option):
our_list = get_attribute(config, the_section, the_option, log_file, filename)
for item in our_list:
#p = re.compile(item) Not necessary - we're only using it once
if re.match(item,match_item):
return True
return False
def main():
filename = "do_auth.ini"
log_name = "log.txt"
user_name = ""
ip_addr = ""
device = ""
is_debug = False
argv = sys.argv
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'i:u:f:l:d:?:D', ['fix_crs_bug','?', '-?', 'help', 'Help'])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err) # will print something like "option -a not recognized"
print __doc__
for (i, j) in optlist:
if i == '-i':
ip_addr = j
elif i == '-u':
user_name = j
elif i == '-f':
filename = j
elif i == '-l':
log_name = j
elif i == '-d':
device = j
elif i in ('?', '-?', 'help', 'Help'):
print __doc__
elif i == '-D':
is_debug = True
print 'Unknown option:', i
if len(argv) < 7:
print __doc__
log_file = open (log_name, "a")
#DEBUG! We at least got CALLED
# log_file.write('Hello World!' + '\n')
#read AV pairs
av_pairs = []
if not (is_debug):
for line in sys.stdin:
#Default Debug command is "show users wide"
#Later versions will allow this to be set
#DEBUG - print tac pairs
# for item in av_pairs:
# log_file.write(item)
# Function to make cmd's readable
# Not very good, but will do for now
# I don't use any other service other than shell to test!
the_command = ""
return_pairs = ""
if (av_pairs[0] == "service=shell\n"):
#Commands - Concatenate to a readable command
if av_pairs[1].startswith("cmd="):
our_command = av_pairs[1].split("=")
the_command = our_command[1].strip('\n')
if len(av_pairs) > 2:
i = 2
our_command = av_pairs[i].split("=")
while not (our_command[1] == "<cr>\n"):
the_command = the_command + " " + our_command[1].strip('\n')
i = i + 1
if i == len(av_pairs): # Firewalls don't give a <cr>!!
our_command = av_pairs[i].split("=")
#DEBUG - We got the command
#log_file.write(the_command + '\n')
#Login - Get av_pairs to pass back to tac_plus
if av_pairs[1].startswith("cmd*"): #Anybody know why it's "cmd*"?
if len(av_pairs) > 2:
return_pairs = av_pairs[2:] #You have to strip the "cmd*" av-pair
return_pairs = av_pairs
if not user_name:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "Error: No username entered!\n")
config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
if not (filename in config.read(filename)):
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "Error: Can't open/parse '%s'\n"
% (filename))
the_section = "users"
# If the user doesn't exist, just use the default settings
# Kind of a hack, but it works because we only get_attribute on user_name once.
# We have the : in there which we can use to split if required
if not check_username(config, log_file, user_name):
user_name = (user_name + ":(default)")
groups = get_attribute(config, "users", "default", log_file, filename)
groups = get_attribute(config, "users", user_name, log_file, filename)
for this_group in groups:
if ip_addr:
if match_it(this_group, "host_deny", ip_addr, config, log_file, filename):
if this_group == groups[-1]:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' denied from source '%s' in '%s'->'%s'\n"
% (user_name, ip_addr, this_group, "host_deny"))
# HUM... afterthought. We need it to continue if more groups exist
if not match_it(this_group, "host_allow", ip_addr, config, log_file, filename):
#Stupid IOS-XR
if ip_addr == "-fix_crs_bug":
elif this_group == groups[-1]:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' not allowed from source '%s' in '%s'->'%s'\n"
% (user_name, ip_addr, this_group, "host_allow"))
if device:
if match_it(this_group, "device_deny", device, config, log_file, filename):
if this_group == groups[-1]:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' denied access to device '%s' in '%s'->'%s'\n"
% (user_name, device, this_group, "device_deny"))
if not match_it(this_group, "device_permit", device, config, log_file, filename):
if this_group == groups[-1]:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' not allowed access to device '%s' in '%s'->'%s'\n"
% (user_name, device, this_group, "device_permit"))
# The previous 4 statements are to deny, it we passed them, proceed
# If we are logging in, return pairs, if not, go no to check the command
# Yes, simply printing them is how you return them
# First, let's make sure we're doing service = shell. If not, just
# allow it. I currently have no knowledge of cmd's sent by other
# services.
if return_pairs:
splt = return_pairs[0].split('=')
if len(splt) > 1:
if not splt[1].strip() == 'shell':
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' granted non-shell access to device '%s' in group '%s' from '%s'\n"
% (user_name, device, this_group, ip_addr))
sys.exit(0) # Don't even TRY to mess with the tac pairs
#Proceed with shell stuff
if not len(the_command) > 0:
for item in return_pairs:
print item.strip('\n')
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' granted access to device '%s' in group '%s' from '%s'\n"
% (user_name, device, this_group, ip_addr))
else: # Check command
if match_it(this_group, "command_deny", the_command, config, log_file, filename):
if this_group == groups[-1]:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' denied command '%s' to device '%s' in '%s'->'%s'\n"
% (user_name, the_command, device, this_group, "command_deny"))
elif match_it(this_group, "command_permit", the_command, config, log_file, filename):
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' allowed command '%s' to device '%s' in '%s'->'%s'\n"
% (user_name, the_command, device, this_group, "command_permit"))
else: #exit & log if last group
if this_group == groups[-1]:
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' not allowed command '%s' to device '%s' in any group\n"
% (user_name, the_command, device))
#Hum... this only works if it's the last group/only group.
#implicit deny at the end
log_file.write(strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ")
+ "User '%s' not allowed access to device '%s' from '%s' in any group\n"
% (user_name, device, ip_addr))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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