[tac_plus] Tac_plus passwd expiration

john heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Wed Feb 23 22:34:52 UTC 2011

Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 03:52:07PM +0100, Francisco Fernandez:
> Hi there...
> The fisrt of all, sorry if this is not the apropiate method to ask you a
> question... If not, let me know.
> We are using tacacs+ on a linux server who provides authentication for many
> cisco routers with users defined in tacacs's linux operating system. Till
> now, validation was against /etc/passwd file. The problem we have is that
> when user's password expires in linux operating system, the same user can
> continue logging into the routers without any error.
> I've trying to avoid this using:
> /etc/shadow (but I get always "password has expired" even with active
> passwordas account)
> PAM we dont get any error and I can go telnet to our routers with our
> expired passwd.
> Ive tried several tacacs versions and compiled several times with diferent
> options...
> Do you know how can I deny access to our routers to users with password
> expired?

there are two ways if using PAM;
1) expire in tac_plus.conf
2) pam checks expire field and returns failure, which probably depends on your
   pam config

and two if using a file like /etc/passwd (should deal w/ /etc/shadow
1) expire in tac_plus.conf
2) make the shell field empty or not begin with '/'; see expire.c

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