[tac_plus] -P and man page

heasley heas at shrubbery.net
Mon Apr 22 15:32:22 UTC 2013

Mon, Apr 22, 2013 at 02:59:07PM +0000, Michael Norrving:
> The man page of tac_plus states for ?P
> "-P     Parse the configuration file, echo it to standard output while parsing, and then exit.  tac_plus will exit non-zero when a parser error occurs."
> This does not seem to be the case. It echoes it to stderr. I am pasting some strace to show this.
> 3589  execve("/usr/sbin/tac_plus", ["/usr/sbin/tac_plus", "-P", "-C", "/local/tacacs/conf/approved/tac_"...], [/* 21 vars */]) = 0
> .
> .
> .
> 3589  read(4, "#\n# $Id: tac_plus.conf 12 2013-0"..., 4096) = 4096
> 3589  write(2, "#", 1)                  = 1
> 3589  write(2, "\n", 1)                 = 1
> 3589  write(2, "#", 1)                  = 1
> 3589  write(2, " ", 1)                  = 1
> .
> .
> .
> Just thought you might be interested in this. Thanks for a great application! :)

it appears to work.

roome [81] ./tac_plus -P -C tac_plus.conf.sample
roome [82] echo $?
roome [83] ./tac_plus -P -C config.h
/* Error: Unrecognised token /* on line 1
roome [84] echo $?

Perhaps if is particular to your faulty configuration file.

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