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Process that has access to the management information and provides manageability to various applications/components within a system. A subagent communicates with the Master Agent using SNMP. A subagent does not communicate with a manager directly.


In Internet parlance, a logical partition of a network. OSI attaches a more restricted meaning: the portion of a network attached to the same physical medium.

subnet mask

A 32-bit quantity indicating bits in an IP address identify the physical network.


Indicated by a single OID, may be an entire MIB, a full instance, or even a subtree named in any MIB specification.

synthetic event

An event that is generated based on a composite analysis of various elements of state in the managed machine.


A table of attributes is used when there is more than one set of attributes for a particular group. For instance, a computer system often has more than one serial port attached to it. To describe these serial ports, the Serial Port Group in the system's MIF file would be set up as a table, with one row in the table describing the specifics of a particular serial port.


Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The Internet suite of protocols is a group of protocols related to a common framework, or set of rules that defines how computers communicate with each other in an open (non-proprietary) system, typically a large communications infrastructure.


An SNMP term that describes a set of attribute values for object class instances. The rows represent the attributes and the columns represent class instances.


In Internet jargon, notification of a problem that an agent sends to a management MIS of its own initiative rather than in response to a poll. SNMP formally defines seven types of traps and permits subtypes to be defined. OMNIPoint 1 uses the term "event report" rather than "trap".

trap-directed polling

A hybrid form of trouble reporting where a single trap initiated by an agent is followed up by polls when the management MIS requests further information.


Universal Datagram Protocol. A connectionless protocol where SNMP is usually implemented.

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