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12.  Resource Control Functionality in the Solaris Management Console Resource Controls Tab How to Access the Resource Controls Tab  Previous   Contents   Next 

Resource Controls You Can Set

To view the list of available resource controls, see About Resource Controls in the console or "Available Resource Controls".

Setting Values

You can view, add, edit, or delete resource control values for processes, projects, and tasks. These operations are performed through dialog boxes in the console.

Resource controls and values are viewed in tables in the console. The Resource Control column lists the resource controls that can be set. The Value column displays the properties that are associated with each resource control. In the table, these values are enclosed in parentheses, and they appear as plain text that is separated by commas. The values in parentheses comprise an "action clause." Each action clause is composed of a threshold, a privilege level, one signal, and one local action that is associated with the particular threshold. Each resource control can have multiple action clauses, which are also separated by commas.

Note - On a running system, values that are altered in the project database through the console only become effective for new tasks that are started in a project.


For information on projects and tasks, see Chapter 6, Projects and Tasks. For information on resource controls, see Chapter 8, Resource Controls. For information on the fair share scheduler (FSS), see Chapter 9, Fair Share Scheduler.

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