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Chapter 4

Solaris 9 Resource Manager Topics

The section contains the following chapters on resource management in the Solaris operating environment.

Chapter 5, Introduction to Solaris 9 Resource Manager

Provides an overview of resource management and discusses why you would want to use the functionality on your system

Chapter 6, Projects and Tasks

Covers the project and task facilities and describes how they are used to label and separate workloads

Chapter 7, Extended Accounting

Describes the extended accounting functionality that is used to capture detailed resource consumption statistics for capacity planning or billing purposes

Chapter 8, Resource Controls

Discusses resource controls, which are used to place bounds on resource usage by applications that run on your system

Chapter 9, Fair Share Scheduler

Describes the fair share scheduler, which uses shares to specify the amounts of CPU time that is allocated to processes that run on your system

Chapter 10, Resource Pools

Describes resource pools, which are used to partition system resources and guarantee that a known amount of resources are always available to a specified workload that runs on your system

Chapter 11, Resource Management Configuration Example

Describes a hypothetical server consolidation project

Chapter 12, Resource Control Functionality in the Solaris Management Console

Describes the resource management functionality available in the Solaris Management Console tool

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