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An information packet that is used to securely pass the identity of a user to a server or service. A ticket is valid for only a single client and a particular service on a specific server. A ticket contains the principal name of the service, the principal name of the user, the IP address of the user's host, a timestamp, and a value that defines the lifetime of the ticket. A ticket is created with a random session key to be used by the client and the service. Once a ticket has been created, it can be reused until the ticket expires. A ticket only serves to authenticate a client when it is presented along with a fresh authenticator. See also authenticator, credential, service, session key.

ticket file

See credential cache.


Ticket-Granting Service. That portion of the KDC that is responsible for issuing tickets.


Ticket-Granting Ticket. A ticket that is issued by the KDC that enables a client to request tickets for other services.

user principal

A principal that is attributed to a particular user. A user principal's primary name is a user name, and its optional instance is a name that is used to described the intended use of the corresponding credentials (for example, joe or joe/admin). Also known as a user instance. See also service principal.


Virtual Private Network. A network that provides secure communication by using encryption and tunneling to connect users over a public network.

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