Binding a Reference to a Composite Name
The fnbind command is used to bind an existing reference (name) to a new composite name.
fnbind -r [-s][-v][-L] name [-O|-U] newname reftype addrtype [-c|-x] address |
Table 25-4 fnbind Command Options
Option | Description |
name | The existing composite name |
newname | The composite name of the new binding |
addrtype | Address type to use. Applications-specific such as onc_cal_str. |
address | Address contents to use. For example, tsvi@altair. |
reftype | Reference type to use. Applications-specific such as one_calendar. |
-s | Bind to newname even if it is already bound. This replaces the previous binding of newname. Without -s, fnbind fails if newname is already bound. |
-v | Display the reference that will be bound to newname. |
-L | Create an XFN link using oldname and bind it to newname. |
-r | Bind newname to the reference constructed by the command line arguments. |
-c | Store address contents in the form as entered, do not use XDR-encoding. |
-x | Convert address to a hexadecimal string without converting it to XDR-encoding. |
-O | The identifier format is FN_ID_ISO_OID_STRING, an ASN.1 dot-separated integer list string. |
-U | The identifier format is FN_ID_DCE_UUID, a DCE UUID in string form. |
For example:
To add a calendar binding for the user jamal:
# fnbind -r user/jamal/service/calendar onc_calendar onc_cal_str jamal@cygnus |
To replace the existing binding of org//service/Sparc-4 with that of org//service/printer:
# fnbind -s org//service/printer org//service/Sparc-4 |
To copy the reference site/bldg-5/service/printer to user/ando/service/printer:
# fnbind site/bldg-5/service/printer user/ando/service/printer |
To bind the reference site/bldg-5/service/printer to user/ando/service/printer using a symbolic link:
# fnbind -L site/bldg-5/service/printer user/ando/service/printer |
To bind the name thisens/service/calendar to the address staff@altair, when staff@altair is a reference of the type onc_cal and an address of the type onc_cal_str:
# fnbind -r thisens/service/calendar onc_calendar onc_cal_str staff@altair |
To bind newname to the reference constructed by its command line address
# fnbind -r [-sv] newname [-O|-U] reftype {[-O|-U] addrtype [-c|-x] address} |
Removing Bindings
The fnunbind name command is used to remove bindings.
For example: to remove the binding for user/jsmith/service/calendar:
# fnunbind user/jsmith/service/calendar |
Creating New Contexts
The fncreate command is used to create contexts.
fncreate -t context [-f file] [-o] [-r reference] [-s] [-v] [-D] name |
Table 25-5 fncreate Command Options
Option | Description |
-t context | Create context of type context. Context types can be: org, hostname, host, username, user, service, fs, site, nsid, and generic. |
-f file | Use an input file to list users and hosts for whom to create contexts. |
-r reference | Type of reference. The -r reference option can only be used with -t generic. |
name | A composite name. |
-o | Create only the context identified by name. |
-s | Overwrite (supersede) any existing binding. If -s is not used, fncreate will fail if name is already bound. |
-D | Display information about each context and corresponding tables, directories, and files as it is created. |
-v | Verbose. Display information about each context as it is displayed. |
For example:
To create a context and subcontexts for the root organization:
# fncreate -t org org// |
To create a context, and subcontexts, for the host deneb:
# fncreate -t host host/deneb |
To create a context, service and file subcontexts, and then add a calendar binding for the user sisulu:
# fncreate -t user user/sisulu # fnbind -r user/sisulu onc_calendar onc_cal_str sisulu@deneb |
To create a site context for the sales organization:
# fncreate -t site org/sales/site/ |
The site context supports a hierarchal namespace, with dot-separated right-to-left names, which allows sites to be partitioned by their geographical coverage relationships. For example, to create a site context alameda and a site subcontext bldg-6.alameda for it:
# fncreate -t site org/sales/site/alameda # fncreate -t site org/sales/site/bldg-6.alameda |
Creating File Contexts
The fncreate_fs command creates file contexts for organizations and sites with the description of the binding entered from the command line.
fncreate_fs [-r] [-v] name [options] [mount]
The fncreate_fs command creates file contexts for organizations and sites with the description of the bindings supplied by an input file.
fncreate_fs [-r] [-v] -f file name
Table 25-6 fncreate_fs Command Options
Option | Description |
name | The name of the file context. |
options | Mount options. |
mount | Mount location. |
-f file | Input file. |
-v | Verbose. Displays information about the contexts being created. |
-r | Replace the bindings in the context name with those specified in the input. |
For example:
To create a file system context named data for the sales organization bound to the /export/data path of an NFS server named server4.
# fncreate_fs org/sales/fs/data server4:/export/data |
To create a hierarchy of file system contexts for the sales organization named buyers and buyers/orders mounted on two different servers:
# fncreate_fs org/sales/fs/buyers server2:/export/buyers # fncreate_fs org/sales/fs/buyers/orders server3:/export/orders |
To create a file system context named leads for the sales organization bound to a server and path specified by an input file named input_a:
# fncreate_fs -f input_a org/sales/fs/leads |
(See the fncreate_fs man page for information on input file format.)
Creating Printer Contexts
The fncreate_printer command creates printer contexts for organizations, users, hosts and site contexts. The printer context is created under the service context of the respective composite name.
fncreate_printer [-vs] name printer [prntaddr] |
fncreate_printer [-vs] [-f [file]] name |
Table 25-7 fncreate_printer Command Options
Option | Description |
name | The name of the org, host, user, or site of the printer. |
printer | The name of the printer. |
prntaddr | The printer address in the form <addresstype>=<address>. |
-f file | Use the named file as input for a list of printers to be created. The input file is in the format of the /etc/printers.conf file. If neither a printer name nor a -f file is specified, fncreate_printer uses the /etc/printer.conf file on the machine where fncreate_printer is run as a default input file. |
-s | Replace an existing address with the same address-type. |
-v | Verbose. Displays the binding in more detail. |
For example:
To create printers for the sales organization based on the printers listed in the /etc/printers.conf file of the machine on which fncreate_printer is run:
# fncreate_printer -s org/sales/ |
Assume that the machine altair is the server for a printer named Sparc-5. To create a printer named invoices for the user nguyen that is actually the Sparc-5 printer:
# fncreate_printer user/nguyen invoices bsdaddr=altair,Sparc-5 |
It is also possible to organize printers hierarchically. For example, the fncreate_printer command can create printer contexts for the printers, color, color/inkjet and color/Sparc with the resulting contexts:
org/ org/ org/ |
To create the above contexts, you would run:
# fncreate_printer org/ color bsdaddr=colorful,color # fncreate_printer org/ color/inkjet bsdaddr=colorjet,inkjet # fncreate_printer org/ color/Sparc bsdaddr=colorprt,Sparc |