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25.  Federated Naming Service (FNS) Creating Enterprise Level Contexts All Hosts Context  Previous   Contents   Next 

Single Host Context

The host type creates the context and subcontexts for a single host. The command automatically creates a service context for the host and a binding for fs unless the -o option is used. When the -o option is used, only the host context is created.

For example, the command

# fncreate -t host org/sales/host/antares/

creates a context for the host named antares and effectively runs the commands

fncreate -t service org/sales/host/antares/service/
fncreate -t fs org/sales/host/antares/fs/

The host context and its subcontexts are owned by the machine. In the above example, the machine antares, with NIS+ principal name, owns the contexts:

  • org/sales/host/antares/

  • org/sales/host/capsule/service/

  • org/sales/host/capsule/fs.

The hostname context (org/sales/host in the above example) to which the machine belongs must already exist. The machine name supplied should already exist in the NIS+ hosts.org_dir table.

Host Aliases

Alias host names may exist in an NIS+ hosts.org_dir table. These appear in the table as a set of hosts with the same canonical name but different alias names.

In FNS, a single host with multiple alias names has a single host context. Alias names for that host in the hostname context are bound to the reference of that host context.

All-Users Context

The username type creates a username context in which individual user contexts can be created and bound. User contexts and their subcontexts are created for each user name found in the NIS+ passwd.org_dir table unless the -o option is used. When the -o option is used, only the username context is created.

For example, running the command

# fncreate -t username org/sales/user/

creates the username context and effectively runs the command:

fncreate -t user org/sales/user/uname

Where uname represents the various user names that appear in the passwd.org_dir table. It also adds a binding for org/sales/_user/ that is bound to the reference of org/sales/user/.

The username context is owned by the administrator who executed the fncreate command. Individual user contexts and their subcontexts are owned by the users for which the contexts were created. Each user owns his or her own user context and subcontexts.

The -f option can be used to create contexts for a subset of the users found in the NIS+ table passwd.org_dir. It creates contexts for those users listed in the given input file.

Single User Context

The user type creates the user context and subcontexts for a user. A service subcontext and a binding for fs are created under the user context unless the -o option is used. When the -o option is used, only the user context is created.

For example, the command

# fncreate -t user org/sales/user/jjones/

creates the user context for the user named jjones and effectively runs the commands

fncreate -t service org/sales/user/jjones/service/
fncreate -t fs org/sales/user/jjones/fs/

The user context and its subcontexts are owned by the user for whom the contexts were created. In the above example, the contexts created are owned by the user jjones with NIS+ principal name

The username context (org/sales/user in the above example) to which the user belongs must already exist. The user name supplied should already exist in the NIS+ passwd.org_dir table.

Service Context

The service type creates the service context in which service names can be bound. There is no restriction on what type of references may be bound in a service context. The policies depend on the applications that use the service context. For example, a group of desktop applications may bind references for a calendar, a telephone directory, a fax service, and a printer in a service context.

For example, the command

# fncreate -t service org/sales/service/

creates a service context for the organization sales. Because the terminal atomic name is a namespace identifier, fncreate also adds a binding for org/sales/_service/ that is bound to the reference of org/sales/service/. After executing this command, names such as org/sales/service/calendar and org/sales/service/fax can then be bound in this service context.

The service context supports a hierarchical namespace, with slash-separated left-to-right names. The service namespace can be partitioned for different services. Continuing with the desktop applications example, a group of plotters may be named under the service context after the creation of the plotter context.

# fncreate -t service org/sales/service/plotter

Names such as org/sales/service/plotter/speedy and org/sales/service/plotter/color could then be bound under the service context.

Note - Because the terminal atomic name is not a namespace identifier, no additional binding is added (as was the case with service and _service).

The service context created is owned by the administrator who ran the fncreate command.

Printer Context

The printer context is created under the service context of the respective composite name.

Generic Context

The generic type creates a context for binding names used by applications.

A generic context is similar to a service context except it can have a different reference type. The -r option is used to specify the reference type for the generic context being created. If it is omitted, the reference type is inherited from its parent generic context or, if the parent context is not a generic context, the reference type used is a default generic reference type.

Like a service context, there is no restriction on what type of references may be bound in a generic context. The policies depend on the applications that use the generic context.

For example, the command

# fncreate -t generic -r WIDC_comm org/sales/service/extcomm

creates a generic context with the WIDC_comm reference type under the service context of the organization sales. Names such as org/sales/service/extcomm/modem can then be bound in this generic context.

The generic context supports a hierarchical namespace, with slash-separated left-to-right names, which allows an application to partition its namespace for different services. Continuing with the example above, a generic subcontext for modem can be created running the command

# fncreate -t generic org/sales/service/extcomm/modem

Names such as org/sales/service/extcomm/modem/secure and org/sales/service/extcomm/modem/public could then be bound under the modem context.

The generic context created is owned by the administrator who ran the fncreate command.

Site Context

The site type creates contexts in which site names can be bound.

For example, the command

# fncreate -t site org/sales/site/

creates a site context. Because the terminal atomic name is a namespace identifier, fncreate also adds a binding for org/sales/_site/ that is bound to the reference of org/sales/site/.

The site context supports a hierarchial namespace, with dot-separated right-to-left names, which allows sites to be partitioned by their geographical coverage relationships.

For example, the commands

# fncreate -t site org/sales/alameda
# fncreate -t site org/sales/site/alameda.bldg-5

create a site context alameda and a site subcontext alameda.bldg-5 for it.

Note - Because these terminal atomic names are not namespace identifiers, no additional bindings are added (as was the case with site and _site).

The site context created is owned by the administrator who ran the fncreate command.

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