In Figure 25-2, a user myoko in the west division of the sales organization of an enterprise is named using the name orgunit/west.sales/user/myoko.
Note the use of the namespace identifier user to denote the transition from the orgunit namespace to the user namespace. In a similar fashion (with the use of appropriate namespace identifiers), names of files and services can also be named relative to names of sites, users, or hosts. Names of sites can be named relative to organizational unit names.
The goal of easy and uniform composability of names is met using this structure. For example, once you know the name for an organizational unit within an enterprise (for example, orgunit/west), you can name a user relative to it by composing it with the user namespace identifier and the user's login name to yield a name such as orgunit/west/user/josepha.
To name a file in this user's file system, you can use a name like orgunit/west/user/josepha/fs/notes.
Enterprise Root
The root context of an enterprise, is a context for naming objects found at the root level of the enterprise namespace. Enterprise roots are bound in the global namespace.
There are two ways of naming the enterprise root:
Using Three Dots to Identify the Enterprise Root
You can use .../rootdomain/ to identify an enterprise root where:
The initial three dots (...) are an atomic name indicating the global context (see "Policies for the Global Namespace" for a description of the global context).
rootdomain/ is the enterprise root domain. For example,
Thus, .../ identifies the enterprise root of a company whose root domain is In this example, the context for naming sites associated with the enterprise root is .../ such as .../ or .../
Note - You can only use the .../rootdomain format if you have set up the global binding in DNS.
Using org// to Identify the Enterprise Root
You can use org// to identify an enterprise root. In essence, org// is an alias or functional equivalent for .../domainname/. When using org//, the double slashes identifies the root enterprise context and namespaces associated with it.
For example, org//site/alameda names the Alameda site associated with the enterprise root.
In contrast, org/ or orgunit/ (with a single slash) points to an organizational context which is not necessarily named relative to the enterprise root. For example, org/sales/site/alameda.
Enterprise Root Subordinate Contexts
The following objects can be named relative to the enterprise root:
Organizational units in that enterprise
Sites in the top organizational unit of the enterprise (an extension to XFN policies)
Users in the top organizational unit of the enterprise
Hosts in the top organizational unit of the enterprise
Services for the top organizational unit of the enterprise
File service for the top organizational unit of the enterprise
These objects are named by composing the namespace identifier of the target object's namespace with the name of the target object.
Enterprise Root and Organizational Subunits
Organizational subunits can be named relative to the enterprise root.
Given an organization root name, you can compose names for its subordinate organizational unit contexts by using one of the namespace identifiers, orgunit or _orgunit.
For example, if .../ is the name of an enterprise, the root of the context for naming organizational units is .../, and organizational unit names look like .../ and .../ Or, you could achieve the same result with org//orgunit/sales.
The following objects can be named relative to an organizational unit name:
Sites for that organizational unit (an extension to the XFN policies)
Hosts in that organizational unit
Users in that organizational unit
Services for that organization unit
File service for that organizational unit
For example, the name, identifies the calendar service of the sales organizational unit. (See "Organizational Unit Namespace" and "Composing Names Relative to Organizations" for a more detailed description of naming objects relative to organization units.)
Enterprise Root and Sites
Sites are an extension to the XFN policies.
Sites can be named relative to
The enterprise root
An organizational unit
Sites named relative to the enterprise root are the same as sites named relative to the top organizational unit. Given an organization name, you can compose a name for its site context by using one of the namespace identifiers, site or _site. For example, if the enterprise root is ../ the context for naming sites relative to the enterprise root is ../ Sites would have names like ../
The following objects can be named relative to a site name:
Services at the site, such as the site schedule or calendar, printers, and faxes
The file service available at the site
These objects are named by composing the site name with the namespace identifier of the target object's namespace and the name of the target object. For example, the name site/Clark.bldg-5/service/calendar names the calendar service of the conference room Clark.bldg-5 and is obtained by composing the site name site/Clark.bldg-5 with the service name service/calendar. (See "Composing Names Relative to Sites" for a more detailed description of naming objects relative to sites.)